Grudges and Rivalries
John Proctor
Here Comes the Judge
The Wife and the Mistress
This is the reason why Ann Putnam accuses Rebecca Nurse of witchcraft
What is jealousy over the fact that she has all of her chidren and Ann has lost all but one
This is Proctor's profession
What is farmer
This is who quits the court when Proctor is accused of witchcraft by Mary Warren
Who is Rev. Hale
This is the number of children Elizabeth and John have in the play
What is 3

"Now look you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth's dead sisters....I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you."

Who is Abigail Williams to the girls if they tell wht they were doing in the woods

This is why Sarah Good is accused of witchcraft by Mary Warren
What is Mary felt sick after Sarah left her house mumbling
This is the lone commandment forgotten by Proctor when questioned by Hale
What is Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
This is why Danforth and Hathorne refuse to listen to Proctor and Corey and Nurse
What is they think they are trying to overthrow the court

This is the reason why Abigail lives with Parris

What is she's an orphan and his niece


"...Let him give his lie....for it may be well God damns a liar less than he that throws his life away for pride."

Who is Rev. Hale to Elizabeth when he begs her to get Proctor to confess.

This is why Parris has a bad relationship with some members of the community
What is he asks for too much money and has sermons full of fire and brimstone
This is the reason why Proctor does not go to church on Sundays
What is he cannot stand Rev. Parris
This judge is the Deputy Governor and has great power in the trials
Who is Danforth
This is why Elizabeth and Proctor had a troubled relationship even before Abigail arrived
What is she was very ill after the birth of their third child

What theme is demonstrated by this quote, "...and God's icy wind will blow."

What is vengeance (revenge)

This is who is accused of trying to gain land by claiming George Jacobs is a witch
What is Thomas Putnam
This is what Proctor is accused of doing on Sundays instead of attending services
What is plowing

This is Danforth's reason for not releasing the accused even after Abigail has left town

What is that it would not be fair to those who have already died and he would look like he murdered those before 



This is the length of time between Abby and John's affair and Elizabeth's trial


Golden candlesticks, the deed to the house and his reputation are examples of which theme?

What is Greed


Rev. Hale's hand tremble and shake because

What is he signed away the life of Rebecca Nurse

This is why Proctor cannot tell Cheever about what Abigail said about the girls lying
What is it was his word against hers as they were alone
This is what Danforth requires from Proctor after his "confession" of witchcraft
What is his signature on the confession
This is what Abigail did inthe woods in order to cause Elizabeth's death
What is drank blood (or drank a "charm")

The theme demonstrated when John says, "She thinks to dance with me on her grave."

What is revenge or jealousy