When questioned on his Ten Commandments, John Proctor forgot one...which one?
What is "Thou shall not commit adultery"?
This theme is important to the people of Salem, especially Reverend Parris
What is reputation?
The head of the court system in Salem
Who is Judge Danforth?
This person was accused and hanged, leading to suspect Thomas Putnam
Who is George Jacobs?
The Crucible is a political allegory for
What is McCarthyism?
Who is first accused of being responsible for the girls' participation in withcraft?
Who is Tituba?
This theme is responsible for the quickly-spreading rumors of witchcraft in Salem
What is hysteria?
Elizabeth's accusation of being a witch was planned to be resolved through this court member by John Proctor
Who is Mary Warren?
This person was the first we see taken to trial over their accusations and could not redeem themselves with their ten commandments
Who is Goody Osburn?
This is the expectation of conformity for those accused of witchcraft
What is Christianity?
Two girls had fallen "bewitched" after the ceremony in the woods. Who were they?
Who are Ruth Putnam and Betty Parris?
This theme is best demonstrated through Proctor's decision to die with his "name and goodness" intact instead of lying to preserve his life
What is integrity?
The court was mostly steer-headed by this group of people
Who are the afflicted girls?
This person cast a charm with intent to harm another
Who is Abigail Williams?
The Crucible is an exact retelling of what is historically known as the Salem Witch Trials
What is false?
Who invites Reverend Hale to come to Salem?
Who is Rev Parris?
DAILY DOUBLE: This theme can best be represented through Abigail Williams' reaction to John being accused and promised to hang for witchcraft
What is guilt?
One person quit the court during the hysteria of the trials
Who is Reverend Hale?
This afflicted person was thought to fly
Who is Betty Parris?
John Proctor complains this against Rev Parris as a minister
What is "His sermons lack God and only talk about the Devil"?
Elizabeth Proctor begs John for forgiveness of her biggest sin in act V. What has she done that needs forgiving?
What is "kept a cold house and led John to cheating"?
This is one of the biggest underlying themes or patterns within The Crucible that best helps push the agenda of being an allegory for modern-day assimilation (Red Scare hunt) and is represented as the motive behind removing witchcraft in Salem
What is religion?
The court was almost dismantled by one accusation made by John Proctor. Who can be blamed for this accusation falling through the cracks?
Who is Elizabeth Proctor?
This person can be credited to allow John Proctor to choose his honor and integrity over lying
Who is God?
This scene is different in act V of the book than it is in the movie
What is Proctor, Nurse, and Corey's hanging?