What is the name of the dog?
What country does Christopher live in?
What does Christopher want to become when he is older?
An astronaut
Chapter numbers are all ________?
Prime Numbers
Who is the prime suspect?
Mr. Shears
Who is Christopher´s teacher?
What does the policeman do that upsets Christopher?
He begins asking too many questions
What does Christopher hate people using when they speak to him?
I will also accept ¨lies¨.
4 cars in a row of which color means its a black day?
yellow cars
How does the interaction with Mrs. Alexander end?
Christopher gets anxious waiting for her and leaves.
What is the name of the neighbor whose dog was killed?
Mrs. Shears
Which character disappeared around the time when Christophers mom died?
Mr. Shears
Name three things Chris had in his pocket when he was taken into the police station.
Swiss army knife, a piece of string, a piece of a wooden puzzle, 3 pellets of rat food, $1.47 (pounds=, a red paperclip, a key for the front door.
In detective novels, what is a clue which makes you come to the wrong conclusion?
A red herring
how does Christopher’s dad react when he discovers Chris has been investigating? What does he make Chris do?
He is very upset and makes Chris promise not to continue investigating
What is the name of the elderly woman who is neighbors with Christopher?
Mrs. Alexander
Why does Christophers father get into an argument with Christophers teacher?
He wants Christopher to take the A level math exams
Why does Christopher like dogs? (give 2 reasons)
1. You know what a dog is thinking (4 moods)
2. Dogs are faithful
3. Dogs do not tell lies
What is a white lie?
A partial truth
Who is Ivor?
Mrs. Alexander’s dog
What do we discover about Mr. Shears?
He was having an affair with Christopher’s mom
what color(s) does Chris dislike and which color(s) does he like?
Dislikes yellow and brown. Likes red
What is the monty hall problem and why does Christopher like it?
A math problem that shows that intuition doesn’t always lead to the right answer, logic does.