Minor Characters
Heroes and Villains
Language Features
A father figure to Bruce Wayne who teaches him the importance of "enduring" when he feels like giving up.

Alfred Pennyworth


The ultimate sacrifice Batman makes at the end of The Dark Knight.

To accept blame for the deaths caused by Two-Face - to be hunted/seen as a villain by those in Gotham.


The director uses light and dark to symbolise these moral qualities.

Good and evil


You may call this a quote, but the correct term is...



The director of The Dark Knight.

Christopher Nolan


The minor character is also the love interest of both Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent. The "vulnerability" of both characters.

Rachel Dawes


A term that refers to a character's background that helps us to better understand their motivations. 

Origin Story


In what way can Two-faces disfigurement be seen as symbolic?

Represents the two parts of his nature - Gotham's "white Knight" that he was and the monster he has become.


2 things the Joker's costume suggests about his character

Chaotic, hides his true identity, unique as a villain, ...


The musical composer for The Dark Knight

Hans Zimmer


The employee of Wayne Enterprise who threatens to expose the identity of Batman. His plan backfires when the Joker puts a price on his head.

Coleman Reese


The dialogue "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain" is also an example of what technique?



A recurring symbol is the coin. What idea does it represent?

The belief in chance/fate and ultimately chaos. 


Describe a camera shot that suggests an idea about a character and say what the idea is.

Answers will vary


One PURPOSE the director had was to show how incorruptible people can be.... 



The cop, working with Commissioner Gordon, who helps the Joker in order to protect her hospitalised mother.

Officer Ramirez


Suggest one way that Batman defies the hero stereotype, presenting instead as more "human".

He doesn't always win, he sacrifices his "dark Knight" status at the end, he underestimates his enemy, he struggles to "endure", he acts in morally questionable ways.


How does the director use lighting to symbolise the moral decline of Harvey Dent?

Dent initially shown in the light (press conference) but throughout the film his face is progressively cast in a greater shadow.


The name of the audio illusion, associated with the Joker's character, that creates a sense of unease and rising tension.

Shepards tone


3 examples of where the hero doesn't win

the end of the film when he takes the blame for Harvey, his inability to save Rachel, his inability to prevent the Joker's manipulation of Harvey...


The schizophrenic asylum patient, acting as the Joker's accomplice, whom Harvey threatens by holding a gun to his head. 

Thomas Schiff


Who is the Joker referring to when he says this? "See their morals, their code...it's a bad joke. And it's dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be."

The police. This foreshadows Batmans eventual fall to be seen as a villain.


What does the Bat signal represent and what does Jim Gordon's destruction of it at the end symbolise?

The trust between Gordon and Batman. Destruction represents Gordon's severing the ties between them as Batman is now a hunted villain.


How does the director "flip the norm" or subvert our expectations in the interrogation scene through his use of camera angles?

He does not use angles to show absolute power/weakness as we expect but rather just physical power/weakness. This causes us to question the real power dynamics at play.


Describe the camera movement in the Party Scene that gives a sense of the Joker's predatory nature.

The camera pans in a circular motion around Rachel Dawes as the Joker holds a knife to her throat.