Sign Language
Amplification/Assistive Listening Devices
Deaf Culture

In 1892, Paul Hubbard, a deaf player invented this team gathering strategy, so that the opposing team would not be able to read their signs

What is the huddle?


In American Sign Language, any sign that pertains to women (ex: mother, aunt, niece, etc.) are signed near this body part

What is the jawline?


A small device that fits in or on the ear and can be used for the widest range of hearing loss (mild to severe hearing loss)

What are hearing aids?


The set of social beliefs, behaviors, art, literary traditions, history, values, and shared institutions of communities that are influenced by deafness and  use sign languages as the main form of communication

What is Deaf culture?


A healthcare professional who identifies, assesses, and manages disorders of hearing and balance

What is an audiologist?


The first school for the Deaf in the United States is now called the American School for the Deaf and is located in this state

What is Connecticut? (Hartford, CT)

A form of sign language in which individual letters are formed by the fingers to spell out words

What is fingerspelling?


A device that electrically stimulates the auditory nerve to provide sound and speech information to someone with severe to profound hearing loss

What is a cochlear implant?


Those who identify as this do not view deafness as a medical illness that needs to be fixed, but rather as something that should be celebrated and makes them belong to this culture

What is Deaf (with a capital 'D')?


The process of watching the movements of a speaker’s mouth and face, and understanding what the speaker is saying; it is very difficult

What is lip reading?


The first hearing device invented that was used to help the hearing impaired in the 17th century

What is the hearing trumpet?


An essential part of using sign language, that helps to convey emotion and helps express what you are saying when using it

What are facial expressions?


A sound that is converted into visual or vibratory stimuli so the individual can benefit; an example is a wake up alarm that shakes the bed

What is an alerting device?


Those within the Deaf community view this device as a threat to their culture

What are cochlear implants?


A person whose hearing loss ranges from mild to moderate and whose usual means of communication is speech and who has acquired hearing loss in late childhood or adulthood

What is hard of hearing?


In 1880, this conference declared that oral education (oralism) was superior to manual education and passed a resolution banning the use of sign language in schools

What is the Milan Conferance?


Deaf people often use this to refer to other people, they are attributed to each person, and does not requires fingerspelling their entire name

What is a name sign?


A system that employs frequency modulated radio waves to transmit a signal from the person speaking to the listener; this is the #1 choice for school systems

What is a frequency modulation (FM) device?


Some of the way to get the attention of someone who is deaf

What is tapping their shoulder, waving at them, or flicking a light switch?


The term used for discrimination or prejudice against Deaf or hard of hearing people

What is audism?


This law prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life including jobs, schools, transportation; this granted rights to many Deaf individuals in the United States

What is the American with Disabilities Act (ADA)?


"I love you" in ASL is the combination of which three letters

What is I, L, Y?


A device that transmits vibrations through the skull directly stimulating the cochlea and cannot be used in children under 5 because the skull is still forming; used specifically for single-sided deafness

What is a bone anchored hearing system (BAHS)?


Those who identify with Deaf culture, can benefit from this community in this way

What is improved self-esteem? OR

What is improved psychosocial functioning?


An unacceptable term that refers to someone who is deaf that does not use speech

What is deaf-mute?