Caiaphas the high priest accidentally made this prophecy while planning to murder Jesus.
What is: "It is better for one man to die for the people than for the whole nation to perish?"
After His resurrection Jesus reminds us that He is still the good shepherd when this disciple recognizes Jesus when he calls her by her name.
Who is Mary Magdalene?
While Jesus was on trial for his life before the High Priest, this disciple was undergoing his own interrogation.
Who is Peter?
Though traditionally know as the doubting disciple, he could just as easily be called the confessing disciple. For He is the first person in the Gospel to accurately grasp Jesus' full identity.
Who is Thomas?
Jesus defied expectations again by entering Jerusalem not on a warhorse but rather on this animal.
What is a donkey?
This was the last prophecy Jesus fulfilled before giving up His Spirit.
What is: "I Thirst?"
When Jesus was arrested in the garden he protected his disciples by doing this
What is: He ensured that the disciples would be allowed to go free when the soldiers arrested Him?
This violent man received an unexpected windfall when He was chosen by the crowd to be released instead of Jesus
Who is Barabbas?
When they heard about the strange shenanigans at Jesus tomb, these two disciples held an impromptu footrace to see who could reach the garden first.
Who are John and Peter?
The crowds at Jesus triumphal entry were seen waving this symbol of national pride, the 1st century equivalent of an American Flag.
What are palm branches?
This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus died faster than the soldiers expected Him to die.
What is: "Not one of His bones were broken?"
The normally loquacious Jesus is uncharacteristically silent when the former High Priest questions Jesus about his teaching and this.
Who are Jesus' disciples?
While the crowd was actively seeking Jesus' death, they only asked for His crucifixion after Pilate provoked them with this action.
What is flogging Jesus and mocking his kingship by dressing him in a purple robe and giving Him a crown of thorns?
According to John the author, this man was the first person to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead.
Who is John?
When Jesus finally arrived at Bethany, Lazarus had been dead for 4 days. He waited that long for this reason.
To demonstrate God's power by raising a man who was definitely dead and not just in a coma.
A Roman soldier was instrumental in fulfilling this prophecy when he stabbed Jesus in the heart.
What is: "They shall look upon Him whom they pierced?"
While hanging on the cross, Jesus spends some of his much needed oxygen by creating a new family out of these 2 individuals?
Who are Jesus Mother Mary and John the Beloved Disciple?
In a moment of crisis the crowd rejected God as their rightful king when they exclaimed that they had no king save for this man.
Who is Caesar?
When he transported Himself into the locked room where the disciples were hiding, Jesus reassured the fearful men with these words.
What is: "Peace be with you?"
When Martha affirmed to Jesus that her brother would rise again, she was expressing the belief that he would live again at this time.
What is the end of history when God will judge the righteous and the wicked?
While not precisely a prophecy Pilate told more of the truth than He realized when he wrote this criminal charge on Jesus' cross.
What is: "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews?"
Humble service is so important to Jesus that when Peter initially refused to allow Jesus to serve Him Jesus made it very clear how serious he was when He said this.
What is: "If I don't wash you, you have no part in me?"
John does not actually record Jesus speaking with Caiaphas the reigning High Priest. He instead chooses to focus on the pre-trial interrogation of this man, Caiaphas' father-in-law.
Who is Annas?
When Mary recognized Jesus he told her not to cling to Him. She was unaware that Jesus was still going to depart for this reason.
What is to ascend to heaven and rule the world at His Father's right hand?
When Jesus finally arrived at the funeral Martha, Mary and the crowd of mourners all made this comment.
What is: "If you had been here, Lazarus would not have died?"