Design Vocab
Design Process
Design Process Steps
Design Process Steps 2
Using the Design Process

A method of shared problems solving in which all the members of a group generate ideas. 

What is Brainstorming?


A definition for the Design Process

What is the step-by-step process to solve a problem?


Students must create a bungalow design. There are several requirements and constraints. (Hint: They haven't done anything yet, this simply explains what they have to do.) 

What is define the problem?


The step that comes BEFORE choosing the best solution _____

What is brainstorming ideas?


In order to brainstorm and create sketches of your prototype design, you must first research. This is important because _____________

What is helps with a starting point?


A tool for systematically ranking alternative solutions according to a set of criteria. This is the step for brainstorming and exploring alternative ideas based on further knowledge and technologies. 

What is a Decision Matrix?


The number of steps in the design process.

What is seven?


AFTER testing, students create this. This is the final step in the process.

What is reflect and report?


Before you can brainstorm solutions to a problem you must do this. This step also comes before researching.

What is define the problem?


The definition of testing and evaluating.

What is the act of making improvements to a design?


A person who designs any of a variety of things. 

Who is a Designer?

The reason for using the design process.

What is problem solving?


This step takes place when someone uses the materials and sketches to make something.

What is creating a prototype?


This is the second step in the design process.

What is conducting research?

A program that can used to build models and prototypes in.
What is AutoCAD, AutoDesk Inventor, AutoDesk Revit and so many other programs? Can you name some?

To form an idea of the amount or value of something; 

What is to Evaluate


_________ can use the design process to solve a problem.

Who is anyone?


The forth step.

What is choosing the best solution?


A bubble diagram falls into this step of the design process.

What is generating ideas?


Groups of students create a blueprint (AS THEIR FINAL SKETCH) of the parking garage prototype they will build. This represents _________ in the design process.

What is selecting the best solution?


A visual, mathematical, or three dimensional representation in detail of an object or design, often smaller than the original.  

What is a Model?


These are the steps of the design process in order.

What are: Identify the problem, Research Develop possible solutions Select best possible solution Create prototype Test/Evaluate Redesign Communicate


You might have to edit and repeat this process multiple times.

What is testing and evaluating?

Make changes to bungalow design. Test new design to see if it flows better. The step in the design process is ______

What is test and evaluate?


This is different ways you can brainstorm.

What is making a checklist, bubble diagrams, mind maps, notes, etc.? All ideas excepted.