Details of the Story
Social Influences from Historical Period
Essay Questions
The opening descriptions of the forest suggest that whatever Tom finds there will be
What is treacherous and malignant?
These details most clearly suggest that the figure Tom meets is the Devil
What is his eyes are red, and he is covered with soot?
It can be inferred from the story that New England Puritans of Tom Walker's day believed in
What is witches and spirits?
When the Devil says, "You shall extort bonds," what is the meaning of the word extort?
What is to obtain by threat or violence
Which tree do you think is hit by the thunderbolt falling at the end of the story?
Students should realize that the tree was the one with Tom Walker's name carved on it. They should cite details that suggest that the Devil carves on the trees the names of the souls he owns and, upon death, destroys the tree by burning.
What is the significance of Tom's finding most of the tall trees in the forest each "marked with the name of some great man of the colony"?
What is carved onto the trees in the Devil's forest are the names of those who made a deal with him.
In the following passage from "The Devil and Tom Walker," what method of characterization and which literary element help to develop the character of Tom Walker? "My family will be ruined and brought upon the parish," said the land jobber. "Charity begins at home," replied Tom; "I must take care of myself in these hard times." "You have made so much money out of me," said the speculator. Tom lost his patience and his piety—"The Devil take me," said he, "if I have made a farthing!"
What is indirect characterization; dialogue
From the description of Tom's "violent" religious devotion, you can infer that New Englanders of the 1720s probably
What is looked suspiciously on sudden and very public conversions?
Why is the construction of Tom’s “vast house” an act of ostentation?
What is it is a boastful display of wealth?
What attitude does the narrator of "The Devil and Tom Walker" demonstrate toward the characters in the story? Does the narrator seem to find the characters and their situation disturbing, amusing, surprising, or commonplace?
Students should recognize that the narrator expresses a wry, cynical attitude toward the characters and their situation. The narrator seems unconcerned and even amused by Tom Walker's plight.
What seems to be Tom's prime motivation in agreeing to the Devil's terms?
What is greed
In what way is Tom Walker a one-dimensional character?
What is he is motivated solely by greed.
Based on details of the story, with which of the following groups does Irving have the most sympathy? a. abolitionists b. New England shipbuilders c. Puritans d. bankers
What is a. abolitionists
Which relationship best describes the italicized words in this sentence? He built himself, as usual, a vast house, out of ostentation; but left the greater part of it unfinished and unfurnished, out of parsimony. a. They are identical in meaning. b. They are similar in meaning. c. They are opposite in meaning. d. There is no relationship.
What is they are opposite in meaning.
Identify the narrator's attitude and explain how it affects your understanding of the story.
This attitude helps to convey a viewpoint about human nature—people are inherently flawed and foolish—and adds to the story's humor.
A main lesson of this story is that
What is greed and mean-spiritedness lead to misery
Which of these statements does not apply to the literary concept of indirect characterization? a. The narrator shows what characters say and do. c. The narrator describes characters' appearances. b. The narrator reveals the thoughts and feelings of characters. d. The narrator simply tells the reader what a character is like.
What is d. The narrator simply tells the reader what a character is like.
On the basis of the passage that follows, evaluate the social influences of New Englanders, or American colonists in general, in the 1720s and 1730s. Tom Walker . . . had a wife as miserly as himself: they were so miserly that they even conspired to cheat each other . . . many and fierce were the conflicts that took place about what ought to have been common property.
What is in the early 1700s, husbands and wives apparently shared the household as common property.
In indicating that Tom and his wife live in discord, the narrator suggests that
What is the two are often arguing.
At the end of the story, all of Tom's possessions disappear or are destroyed. Why do you think this happens?
Students will probably hypothesize that the possessions disappeared or were destroyed because the Devil took back his wealth, perhaps out of spite or to use again on another victim. Information about the Devil's craftiness should be used in the explanation.
Which statement best summarizes Tom Walker's character traits as they are expressed indirectly in the following passage? It was late in the dusk of evening when Tom Walker reached the old fort, and he paused there awhile to rest himself. Anyone but he would have felt unwilling to linger in this lonely, melancholy place, for the common people had a bad opinion of was asserted that the savages held incantations here and made sacrifices to the evil spirit. a. Tom is just like everyone else in his community. b. Tom is lonely and melancholy. c. Unlike others in his community, Tom does not fear evil. d. Tom likes the peacefulness of quiet, lonely places.
What is c. Unlike others in his community, Tom does not fear evil.
Which passage from the story best demonstrates direct characterization? a. Tom Walker...took what he considered a shortcut homeward, through the swamp. b. Tom's wife was a tall termagant, fierce of temper, loud of tongue, and strong of arm. c. When she came back, she was reserved and sullen in her replies. d. …Tom had a lurking dread that the Devil, after all, would have his due.
What is b. Tom's wife was a tall termagant, fierce of temper, loud of tongue, and strong of arm.
On the basis of each passage that follows, evaluate the social influences of New Englanders, or American colonists in general, in the 1720s and 1730s. Such was the end of Tom Walker and his ill-gotten wealth. Let all griping money brokers lay this story to heart.
What is greed was very much a part of life in New England, at least in Irving’s eyes. Irving is warning them in this story about Tom Walker.
The was evidence of her . A. discord—calm B. extortion—generosity C. small portion—parsimony D. tasteful decor—ostentation
What is C. small portion—parsimony
Based on "The Devil and Tom Walker," how do you think Washington Irving felt about the amassing of great wealth, or greed?
Students' essays might reflect the story's conflicted views of money and greed. On the one hand, the story makes it clear that Tom is punished by death and Hell for being greedy and cheating people. On the other hand, the Puritan characters in the story are quick to take advantage of any financial plan that will make them rich, and many of them do not appear to suffer from this need for great wealth. Accept students' viewpoints as long as they support their findings with material from the story.