The Diary
Mr. Frank
Margot & Miep
Mrs. Frank, etc.

What year is it when "The Diary of Anne Frank" begins?



What did Anne name her diary?

She named it Kitty.


Name 3 characteristics of Mr. Frank.

Leader of the Annex, gentle, generous (invites Van Daans and Mr. Dussel to stay in Annex), kind (brings pictures for wall and diary for Anne), encourages all to have faith that they will remain safe. 


How old was Margot when they moved in to the Annex?

She was eighteen.


What does indignant mean?

Feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy.

Example = became indignant at the accusation.


How old was Anne at the beginning of the diary?

She was 13 years old.


Why did Anne like confiding in her diary?

She feels that she has no true friends. Only her diary would patiently "listen" to her.


What did Mr. Frank's business specialize in?

Importing spices and herbs.


Why did all the adults like Margot?

Margot doesn't talk back the way Anne does. 


What is the Van Daans relationship like? What are some characteristics of Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan?

The Van Daans constantly argue and bicker, unlike the Franks. They are vain (full of pride), materialistic, wear expensive clothes, and are overly concerned about possessions and having enough food for everyone in the Annex.


Who found the diary after the people hiding in the Annex got taken to concentration camps?

Miep found the diary and gave it to Mr. Frank.


Why did Anne argue a lot with her mom?

She thinks her mom doesn't understand her and is always favoring Margot.


Name two people that helped Mr. Frank and his family move into the Annex.

Miep, Mr. Kraler


Describe at least 2 character traits of Miep?

Dutch woman 22 years old, dependable, kindly, protective, compassionate attitude.


Name the 8 occupants of the Annex.

Anne, Margot, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Mr. & Mrs. Van Daan, Peter (boy), Mr. Dussel (dentist & friend of Miep's boyfriend)  


Why is the diary so widely read?

People needed to understand what happened during the Holocaust. Anne's story was a story about humanity and survival.


Why did Anne have to share a room with Mr. Dussel?

Margot could not share a room with a grown man, so, as the youngest child, Anne had to share a room with Mr. Dussel.


Why did Mr. Frank and his family have to immediately move out of their home and into the Annex?

Margot had received a call-up. The police were going to take her to the concentration camps if they didn't leave soon.


According to Anne, who does Margot take after more? Their mother or their father?

Margot takes more after their mother.


What does unabashed mean? Which character could be described by this term?

Unabashed means obvious or bold. Anne is unabashed; she speaks her mind and doesn't hold back.


What does Anne do during the Hanukkah celebration? Name 4 of the gifts she gives.

She sings and gives homemade gifts to all. Margot crossword puzzles, Mr. Frank a scarf, Mouschi a ball and string, Peter a razor, Mrs. Frank 10 hours of I.O.U. work, Dussel ear plugs, Mr. Van Daan homemade cigarettes, Mrs. Van Daan shampoo.


Why does Anne scream in her nightmare?

She dreams the Green Police have come to arrest her.


Why was Anne close to her dad?

She thinks that her dad understands her more than her mom and he doesn't pick on her as much as her mom. Her dad "Pim" gave her the diary.


As soon as the occupants arrive in the Annex, Miep runs off the get...

Ration books.

-books of stamps or coupons issued by the government in wartime. People could purchase scarce items with the ration books, such as food, clothing, gasoline.


Does Mrs. Frank have a good relationship with her daughter, Anne? Who does Anne turn to when she is frightened?

No, Anne and her mom have a strained relationship. Anne turns to her father "Pim" when she needs comfort.