Ethan Campbell was born on this day in what month of what year
November 18th, 2003
This summer Bando, Scime and Ethan went to Boots and Hearts... name the three hometown friends that accompanied them
Aaron, Penny, Brooker
Simon is the youngest in the group having the latest birthday... What day of the year is that
October 30th
What was the house number of Ethan and Max in first year
What is the capital of China
What award did Ethan win last year at the athletic club banquet
The Dirt took part in intramural volleyball last year... What was the name of the team we played for
Hit it and quit it
Who was behind the camera in the famous video of Nolan breaking the window
Max Bendandi
Where did Nolan meet his girlfriend Natalee
Lifeguarding at the pool
What NHL team currently is the #1 in the standings
The Winipeg Jets
Ethan has two siblings... name one of them
Aidan, Sienna
Correctly name one of Ethan's PRs
Squat - 435lbs bonus 195kgs
Bench - 275lbs bonus 125kgs
Deadlift - 475lbs bonus 215kgs
Where did Quinn sleep the night that his room was trashed with protien powder
What did everyone call Nolan when Ethan and Max met him
What is the largest planet in the solar system
What is the age/weight class that Ethan competes in for powerlifting
74kg Junior
Ethan threw the best birthday party last year... name one of three people from TJ that did not attend
Quinn, Steph, Amy
Ethan sadly got lost in an Uber and went to burlington... how much did that uber cost
a) $204
b) $163
c) $178
d) $118
What is the name of the Twin's hometown
What is the largest bone in the human body
Name one of the girls that Ethan has hooked up with this school year
Who rode in the tube with Hammy while he screamed for his life at Max's house this summer
Victor Bendandi
Max famously had alcohol poisoning last year... four girls were at 413 to witness this event, name one of them
Raven, Charisma, Morgan, Jaqueline
What is the lake that Max lives on
Lake Scugog
What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere during photosynthesis
Carbon Dioxide