How is the word flu spread?
Through language, speech and memes.
Around what year was the disease being surfaced in?
The Word Flu surfaced in 2016.
Based on Ch.M, where did Doug arrive late Saturday (November 17)?
Where was the first case of ¨̈Word Flu"?
What is a remedy that you can do on a daily basis to prevent catching the virus? (HINT: Bart would do this)
Which symptoms of the Word Flu mimic the symptoms of Covid-19?
Fever, cough, nausea, & diarrhea.
Who created this virus?
What well known characters were part of Synchronic? Mention all four characters.
Max, Bart, Vern, and Floyd.
By the end of the book, how many languages had caught the virus?
30 languages
Small & pink pills.
Why were most people afraid to catch the Word Flu?
What companies do Synchronic own?
Memes & Nautiluses
What was the name of the chemical that was being inserted into electronic devices?
Which character predicted that the virus was going to occur?
Based on the evidence, which remedy wasn't considered "safe"?
Mandated Language Fasts
What was the name of the symptom that caused "Lost of Words"?
Which company's slogan was ¨Redefining communication for a changing future¨?
What event was Ana watching when she got a virus through her computer?
Synchronic Gala Party
What was the name of the game Max created?
Money Masters
Crossword, Scrabble, & Word Search Puzzles
Why was finding Doug´s aleph so important to Max?
The aleph was an older model that contained information that could ruin Synchronic ´s plan.
Carefully, describe what a Meme & a Nautilus is?
A meme is also known as Olivette, Meme which is a Typewriter brand (phone as well) & a Nautiluses is a device similar to a phone but is chipped inside the mind.
¨The technology was actually rewiring people´s brain. Changing neuronal pathways and reward systems. They were forgetting things, or not learning them in the first place. And if we didn't really have a shared, communal language - if we had nothing but a provisional relationship with words, a leaseholder´s agreement - what would happen," (Graedon 188). What was occuring in the city when Doug asked this question?
The virus had begun spreading throughout the city and Doug sensed that it all could be linked to Hermes and Synchronic.
What was Max's goal with his company?
Max's goal was to allow his company to take over Synchronic. He is committing capital crimes by infecting the people.
What were the 3 types of therapy used as remedies?
Word, Mandated Language Fasts, & Composition Therapy.