Who is Uncle Aaron?
What is Boise City Champion?
Owen's first celebrity crush.
Who is Natalie Portman?
One of the best ways to build chest strength and with proper form also builds shoulders, arms, and back.
What is the Bench Press?
Who won cutest magician in the Halloween contest of kindergarten?
What is Owen?
The Buffalo Bills player who began his career as a Boise State Bronco.
Who is Khalil Shakir?
The location of the national tournament where Owen went to compete after his sophomore year of wrestling.
Where is Fargo, North Dakota?
Owen's favorite muscle group.
What is chest?
The amount of years Owen has won SIC, All-Academic Team Award?
What is 4?
The most amount of weight that Owen has lost in a day for a wrestling tournament?
What is 11 pounds?
Free Space!
Free Space!
Owen lifted 260 pounds on this leg machine.
What are quad extensions?
Owen's academic placement of 500 students.
What is 80th?
The number of consecutive Super Bowls the Bills played in?
What is the number four?
The wrestling styles of Owen's State Wrestling titles.
What is Idaho Greco Roman and Freestyle Wrestling?
A favorite husky soulful voiced musician.
Who is Amy Winehouse?
The increased amount of weight that Owen can lift as a triple threat (bench, clean, squat) as compared to sophomore year.
What is 340 pounds?
Winners of 11 Academy Awards.
What are the movies Ben Hur, The Lord of the Rings, Titanic?
The team the Bills have faced the most times during their 1990s Super Bowls.
Who are the Dallas Cowboys?
The overhead wrestling throw worth 5 points in Greco and Freestyle Wrestling.
What is a suplex?
What color was the dress of Owen's first prom date?
What is blue?
Two Hundred Eighty Five Pounds.
What is Owen's record power clean?
What is Heart of the Brave?