I have specialized in the treatment of alcoholism for many years...
What was Dr. Silkworth's speciality?
He acquired certain ideas concerning a possible means of recovery...
What happened during Bill's third course of treatment?
Was an alcoholic of a type I had come to regard as hopeless....
How did Dr. Silkworth describe the patient (Bill W.) he attended in 1934?
the medical estimate of the plan of recovery described in this book...
What do we of Alcoholics Anonymous believe the reader will be interested in?
this must surely come from medical men who have had experience with the sufferings of our members
What is "convincing testimony"?
The medical director of one of the oldest hospitals in the country...
What is Dr. Silkworth's position
What did Bill request of Dr. Silkworth?
They believe in themselves, and still more in the Power which pulls chronic alcoholics back from the gates of death...
What do recovered alcoholics believe in?
The sense of ease and comfort comes at once by.....
What can alcoholics experience by taking a few drinks?
The firm resolution not to drink again...
What is the national anthem (resolution) of every alcoholic?
They are restless, irritable, and discontented...
In the absence of a few drinks, what do alcoholics feel?
Drinks which they see others taking with impunity...
What effect do alcoholics see others experience when they drink?
Dr. Silkworth's theory that alcoholics have an allergy to alcohol interests us as....
What are ex-problem drinkers?
and though perhaps he came to scoff, he may remain to pray.
What will the alcoholic end of doing if he studies the book of AA?
"Doctor, I can not go on like this!! I have every thing to live for! I must stop, but I can not! You must help me!".....
What did the men who cried to Dr. Silkworth plead for?
those afflicted with alcoholic addiction...
Who should be interested in what is contained in this book?
Dr. Silkworth's advice to every alcoholic
What is "read the book through"?
Unless this person can experience an entire psychic change, there is very little hope for his recovery...
What must happen to be successful in sobriety?
Men and women drink essentially because they like the effect produces by alcohol
Why do alcoholic men and women drink?
Dr. Silkworth accepted the position for a stipend of $____ a week.
What is $40 dollars
Their "alcoholic life" ....
What is normal to the alcoholic?
emerging remorsful
How does the alcoholic feel afterward?
The very same person, who seemed doomed, with so many problems he despaired of ever solving them, suddenly found himself easily able to control his desire for alcohol...
What is an "entire psychic change"?
the phenomenon of craving
What is the result of taking the first drink?
entire abstinence
What is the only relief from alcoholism?