Our _______ put a picture up. ---- a. teacher b. they c. today
I am glad that we ______ these things in school. -- a. seven b. small c. studied
Where does the story take place? -- a. at a park b. in a school c. on a playground
in a school
It had clouds floating _______ two sailboats. ---- a. above b. are c. away
What does "cat nap" mean when used in this sentence:
Meg took a cat nap so she would feel rested for the birthday party. -- a. sleep all day b. sleep with a cat c. a short nap in the day.
c. a short nap in the day
What problem does Vashti have in the story? -- a. she just draws bears. b. She thinks she cannot draw. c. The teacher helps her after class.
She thinks she cannot draw.
She painted __________ the picture. --- a. talks b. think c. toward
What does "out of the blue" mean in this sentence? My grandfather came to see us out of the blue. We thought he was on a trip. -- a. a big surprise b. for a long time c. made of blue paint
a. a big surprise
What does Vashti draw at the start of the story?-- a. dot b. a line c. a swirl
a dot
She said a breeze _____ the clouds and boat to make them go. -- a. paper b. pretty c. pushed
What does "a piece of cake" mean in this sentence: Jake put the puzzle together in a very short time. He thought it was a piece of cake. --- a. not hard b. good to eat c. lots of parts
a. not hard
The next week, what does Vashti do in art class that is new? -- a. she cuts out dots b. she paints lots of dots c. she shapes dots out of clay.
She paints lots of dots
We were ______ that it could make such big things go! --- a. school b. surprised c. some
What does "in the wink of an eye" mean in this sentence: Fran cleaned her room in the wink of an eye. She did not want to miss her show. -- a. messy b. quickly c. slowly
b. quickly
How are the dots like the brush Vashti paints with? -- a. They are big. b. they are red c. they fill in the page