How was St. Stephen martyred?
Who was stoned to death?
Who tried to buy the spiritual gifts?
Who was Simon the magician?
What did St. Peter see a vision of that made him travel to the house of Cornelius?
Who saw a vision of clean and unclean animals?
Where were the followers of Christ first called Christians?
What happened at Antioch?
How did Herod die?
Who was eaten by worms?
Who did Herod put to death by the sword?
How did James, the brother of John, die?
What was Cornelius' rank?
What was a Roman Centurion?
Who healed Saul's blindness in Damascus?
Who was Ananias?
Who wrote his gospel in Aramaic for the Jews?
What language did St. Matthew write his gospel in?
Where do all roads lead?
Why do all roads lead to Rome?
Why was St. Paul beheaded?
Who was a Roman citizen?
What was the name of Paul's Jewish teacher when he was young?
How did they try to martyr St. John the Beloved?
Who was thrown into boiling oil?
Where does tradition say Peter and Paul met up to travel to Rome?
Why did Peter and Paul meet in Corinth?
The Roman general that was sent to "help the Jews settle their disputes" in 63 BC.
Who was Pompey?
According to an old tradition, where was St. Peter crucified?
Who was crucified near the Circus Maximus?
The governor that sent Paul to Rome the first time.
Who was Festus?
Who fell out of the window and was brought back to life by Paul?
Who was Eutychus?
Where was St. John the Apostle bishop of?
Who was bishop of Ephesus?
Who did the Persians venerate as the "god of light?"
Who was Mithras?
Who was thrown off the temple and beaten with clubs?
How did James the lesser die?
What was the name of the silversmith who incited the people of Athens against Paul?
Who was Demetrius?
What gate did the man who was lame beg outside of?
Who would beg at the Beautiful Gate?
Who was the bishop of Jerusalem?
Where was St. James the lesser bishop of?
Who was the Roman emperor when the Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem?
Who was Vespasian?