Today, social networking and blogging sites accounted for 17% of all time spent on the Internet.
Not only teenagers and young adults, senior citizen are also jumping on the bandwagon of social networking sites.
The 2008 US Presidential candidates engaged voters for social media.
with / through
Businesses are concerned that social media will affect workers productivity.
As social media is becoming more of the norm, we must be aware of how these sites could affected us.
For 15 years, Joseph Proietto has been helping obese people lose weight. When these obese patients first came to his weight-loss clinic in Australia, they were very determined to slim down. And most of the time, he say, they do just that, sticking to the clinic's programme and dropping access pounds.
1) says 2) excess
"It has always seemed very strange to me," says Joseph Proiettoa. "This are people who are motivated to lose weight. They manage to achieve weight lost most of the time without encountering too much trouble, and yet, gradually, they regain the weight."
1) These 2) loss
Hot summer days call for cool summer food, and no vegetable is better suit for the task than the cucumber. When its hot, hydrating food like cucumbers are especially appealing.
1) suited 2) it's
Cucumbers are a very good source in vitamin C and caffeic acid. Those are compounds that help the body preventing water retention, a common problem many of us suffer from on hot summer days.
1) of 2) prevent
I reach for cucumbers most often at lunch, where i want some refreshing vegetables to eat with cheese or thrown into a sandwich.
1) when 2) throw
Helen Keller's journey from being a frustrated deafblind child unable to communicate, to her celebrated place in the world stage, is one of the greatest story of the 20th century. An illness at 19 months of age leaves her deaf and blind.
1) on 2) stories 3) left
Helen Keller had a difficult childhood due to her multiple disabilities, and her life turned around when she met Anne Sullivan. Helen led a full life dedicate to fearless activism that opens wide the doors of possible and hope for people with disabilities.
1) but 2) dedicated 3) possibility
Raising a visually impaired child is not easy. Teachers and doctors are experts in their respective field. You are the expert in knowing your child. Look to teachers and doctors to add their knowledge to your. Early intervention is helping and necessary for both the parent and the child.
1) fields 2) yours 3) helpful
When faced with your child be diagnosed as blind or visually impaired, you may become overwhelm. It is crucial for you to stop and take a breather. If possible, take a break for all the appointments and get to know your child again.
1) being 2) overwhelmed 3) from
For disabled children, establish a routine for your child to enable him to understand how the day work. He or she learn to predict and look forward to certain times of the day. Routines are important to children with visual impairments. They provide secure and offer a sense of control.
1) works 2) learns 3) security
Serial killers, those who kill more then once, pose a special problem for crime investigators. It is because their motives are often far least obvious then those of the person which commits a single murder. Investigators describe three types of killers who commit multiple murder.
1) than 2) less 3) who 4) murders
Mass murderers kill many people at one go. Often these killers turn out to be disgruntled employees who show up at his places of work with shotguns in hand, bent to revenge. Spree killers went on rampages with knives or guns, killing one person after other.
1) their 2) on 3) go 4) another
Serial killers kill one victim at a time, with a time interval that may be as long as several years after each murder. Despite all the work that have been done on the psychology of serial killers, forensic psychologists are still far from understand such people. This is because their actions are significantly difference from normal behavior.
1) between 2) has 3) understanding 4) different
The process of working out the sequence of events before, during, and after a crime is knew as crime scene reconstruction. It is perhaps one of the aspects of forensic science that fascinate the public the most. Reconstruction requires not just a scientific approach and also logic, experience and open-mindedness by the part of the investigating team.
1) known 2) fascinates 3) but 4) on
Crime scene reconstruction starts when the investigator takes a first walk though the crime scene. Even at this stage, it may be possible to constructing a rough idea of what may have happened. A hypothesis is a set of ideas or a general picture of what may have taken place. It did not become a theory until it fits all the available evidence and support information.
1) through 2) construct 3) does 4) supporting
Fandi Ahmad is a former Singapore international footballer. Regarded as one of Singapore's most successful footballer, he played for clubs in Singapore and a few other countries before going in to coach teams in Singapore and Indonesia. A popular player, Fandi was noted for his talent, love for the game and humble. Fandi grew up around the attendants' quarters at Woodbridge Hospital, when his father, former singapore international goalkeeper, Ahmad Wartam, worked.
1) footballers 2) on 3) humility 4) where 5) Singapore
As a child, he showed a keen interest in football. He often persuades his reluctant father to take him to Malaysia Cup matches and training sessions. Since Fandi started off as a goalkeeper like his father, he has switched to an attacking midfield or forward position by the time he played for his school team. The teacher in his primary school recommends him to join the Milo Soccer Scheme for talent young footballers, but his first application was unsuccessful.
1) persuaded 2) Although 3) had 4) recommended 5) talented
Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can exist in people simply on the basis of his race. Racism and discrimination have been used as power weapons encouraging fear or hatred to others in times of conflict and war. Racism is also a very touchy subject for some people, as issue concerning free speech and human rights come to play.
1) their 2) powerful 3) of 4) issues 5) into
From a summer camp for people with intellectual disabilities to a global movement, Special Olympics has been change lives for more than four decades. It all began in the early 1960s, where Eunice Kennedy saw how unfairly people with intellectual disabilities are treated. She also saw that many child with special needs did not even have a place to play. She decided to take action. Soon, she held a summer camp for youth people with intellectual disabilities in her own backyard.
1) changing 2) when 3) were 4) children 5) young
The Riding for the Disable Association in Singapore provides therapeutic horse riding for people with disabilities. Not only is horse riding a form of physical therapy, the activity also promote emotional growth and cognitive development in a way that is unique, fun and joy. Often, therapeutic horse riding has the power to change a persons perspective on life. Furthermore, interaction to the animal is a powerful experience.
1) Disabled 2) promotes 3) joyful 4) person's 5) with