The Comedy of Errors
Frye Applied
"The desire to identify the human mind with objects outside of it"
What is the motive for metaphor?
This voluminous text, Frye says, is (or should be) the foundation of literary studies in the West.
What is the Bible?
The name of the conjurer
Who is Doctor Pinch?
Northrop Frye says in the chapter entitled "Singing School" that all (good) literature tells the story of the loss and regaining of this
What is identity?
(2 answers) Frye analogizes these two gardens to one another - one from Hebrew and one from Greek mythology.
What are the Garden of Eden and the Garden of Hesperides?
This term meaning "something not real or true," Frye explains, has been debased in contemporary language; it once meant something very true...and perhaps should still!
What is a fable or a myth?
This poet tells us that we educated our minds through studying "monuments of unageing intellect" and that "an aged man is but a paltry thing / A tattered coat upon a stick, unless / Soul clap its hands and sing and louder sing / for every tatter in its mortal dress..."
Who is William Butler Yeats?
The Courtesan gives this to Antipholus of Ephesus when dining with him at the Tiger.
What is a ring?
These three interrelated areas of study are also called the trivium; reading literature educates your mind in all three areas.
What are grammar, rhetoric, and logic?
The four animals - imagined or not - that appear as place names in Errors
What are the Centaur, the Phoenix, the Porpentine/Porcupine, and the Tiger.
These two types of drama are polar opposites on the vertical axis, representing the heights and depths of the imagination
What are comedy and tragedy?
He wrote "The best wine is the oldest, the best water the newest."
Who is William Blake?
Antipholus' love for Luciana is not to fulfill the law, but to do this.
What is be transformed? or What is be created (a)new?
The more you read literature, the more you are able to glimpse the one _____ .
What is story?
This mythologist is known for coining the term "hero's journey" or "hero's cycle" in his book, Hero with a Thousand Faces.
Who is Joseph Campbell?
Any image or object in literature
What is a symbol?
Chapter 3, "Giants in Time": "You wouldn’t go to-" this play "-to learn about the history of Scotland—you go to it to learn what a man feels like after he’s gained a kingdom and lost his soul."
What is Macbeth?
(2 answers) Bloom suggests that this character is a priestess of this Roman moon goddess.
Who is Amelia and Diana?
According to Frye, this is the core of language use - and if it is not learned, language is "hollow."
What is poetry?
Frye compares the world axis and the apparent path of the Sun along the ecliptic to the 12 labors of Hercules, the Hero's Journey, and this body part
What is the human spine?
The use of public speech
What is rhetoric?
This important author wrote, "The lunatic, the lover, and the poet / Are of imagination all compact."
Who is William Shakespeare?
Chapter 19 of this book explains that Ephesus was hospitable to wizards, sorcerers, diviners, and astrologers
What is Acts?
Frye says that two types of language are constantly at war: a language of the _______ and a language of a ______ society.
What is the mob and a free society?
Frye says that our entire social life is based on this.
What is our imagination?