When do experts say teens are likely to try habit forming substances?
During their high school years.
what is drug misuse?
Taking a legal drug for medical reasons but not as recommended or prescribed?
Occasional users use...
Use drugs in social situations
When someone spends less time on things that used to matter like pursuing hobbies, hanging out with family and friends, etc.
-Loss of interest
One of the best ways to prevent substance abuse:
-Say no/stay away from it and feel good about yourself
The most commonly abused substance among high schoolers as of 2014 was...
What does a drug change in your body?
The functions of your body (mentally or physically)
Regular users continue to use to..
maintain the feeling they get from the drug
An addict has little control over how much/ when they take drugs. They continue to use the substance in spite of negative consequences such as arrest, accidents and injuries, loss of employment, expulsion from school etc.
-Lack of control and risky behavior
Control the stress in your life so you won't be tempted to use drugs to relax. Choose healthy ways to deal with stress.
Thought process
What are other commonly abused substances by teens?
Marijuana, and prescription medicines.
Tobacco contains nicotine which is..
..An addictive stimulant.
Regular users psychologically often become _____ on the drugs(s) they use
People struggling with addiction often act out against those closest to them
-Troubled relationships
Simplicity: the best prevention
To not do it at all
What street drugs may teens fall victim to?
Ecstasy, crack, methamphetamines
Alcohol and tobacco, as many other drugs, can alter..
Your brain chemistry
Dependant user rely on drugs:
Physically and psychologically/mentally
People with substance abuse problems will often go out of their way to hide the amount of drugs or alcohol they are consuming
*not in the slides*: What is a way an addict can recover?
Legal for those over 21 to purchase and it very harmful to the body.
What leads to addiction?
Often a cycle due to a drug making you feel good until it wears off. Thus you crave more and you become addicted.
People who abuse drugs often face:
Health problems
They may skip bathing, brushing their teeth, wearing clean clothes, and even more cleansing factors.
-Poor appearance
*think* What is the main reason people become addicted?
The alteration of their brain chemistry and the release of the good body hormones and when they don't have it those hormones are released less if at all due to the prior output which makes them crave for it.