Nominating Process
Campaign Finance
The naming of individuals who will seek office.
What is a nomination
A nominating election in which only party members can vote.
What is a closed primary.
The medium through which a voter registers a choice in an election.
What is a ballot.
The majority of votes in the country are cast in this fashion.
What is automated voting.
Nonparty groups that are often the arms of special-interest groups or other organizations at stake within an election.
What are political action committees
A group of like minded individuals who meet to select candidates they will support in the upcoming election.
What is a caucus
Party nominating election in which any qualified voter can participate.
What is an open primary.
Process by which voters may vote without going to their polling place on election day.
What is absentee voting.
This law was passed as a result of 2000 presidential vote counting fiasco in Florida
What is the Help America Vote Act
A grant of money, usually from the government.
What is a subsidy.
Qualifies voters cast a ballot in private for their preferred candidate to run in the general election.
What is a primary election
A primary election in which every voter receives a ballot with every candidate listed for every position seeking nomination, which was found to be unconstitutional.
What is a blanket primary
Voting trend seen in both the 2000(Republicans) and 2008(Democrats) elections that led to those parties gaining control of both chambers of Congress.
What is the Coattail Effect.
One of the biggest concerns of both vote-by-mail and online voting.
What is fraud or threatens secret ballot.
Government agency that requires the timely disclosure of campaign finance data, places limits on campaign contributions, places limits on campaign expenditures, and provides public funding for several parts of the presidential election process.
What is the Federal Election Commission.
Then State Senator Barack Obama gave a keynote speech at one of these in 2004 which launched him on to the national stage to run for Senator in Illinois in 2006 and president in 2008.
What is a convention (DNC)
A nominating election in which voters from a particular party may vote in their parties election, and unaffiliated voters may choose which parties election to participate in.
What is a Semi-closed Primary
Provided at public expense, lists the names of all candidates in an election, given out to each voter only at polling places, and may be marked in secret.
What is the Australian Ballot.
The first voting machine was patented by this individual in 1868.
Who is Thomas Edison.
Money given to political parties or other organizations that has no limits placed on it.
What is soft money.
Collection of a specified number of signatures from voters to qualify for the general election
What is a petition
In this court case, the Supreme Court found the blanket-primary to be unconstitutional.
What is Democratic Party v. Jones
A ballot that lists so many offices and candidates that even a well-informed voter has a difficult time marking it intelligently and often leads to this. (2 Answers)
What is Bed-sheet Ballot, Ballot Fatigue.
This state now holds all of its elections by mail, and has done so since 1998.
What is the State of Oregon.
In 2012, both presidential candidates refused to take this for the first time since its inception 36 years earlier.
What is public money.