What vs. does Moroni say that God will back him up?
What is 29? "And God shall show unto you, that that which I have written is true."
..."by his grace ye may be perfect in ______;..."
Who is Christ?
"Welcome to the Church of ___."
What is Joy?
This is not, nor has it ever been, nor will it ever be happiness.
What is wickedness?
Bear your Testimony of Jesus Christ.
What is... in the name of Jesus Christ, amen?
..."come unto Christ and lay hold ____ _____ ____ ____."
What is upon every good gift?
We are to become Holy without ____.
What is spot?
What Church Leader painted the Savior, made a mistake, then it turned out better?
Who is Sister Yee?
The pure love of Christ.
What is Charity?
What are the first two words of The Book of Mormon?
What is "I Nephi"?
..."and his word shall ____ forth from generation to generation."
What is hiss?
Jehovah is the Eternal Judge of both _____ and ____.
What is quick and dead?
"Don't let the world change you when you were ..."
What is, " born to change the world."
"Those that keep the commandments of God are..."
What is ..."blessed in all things"?
The last two words of The Book of Mormon.
What is THE END?
"I speak it according to the words of Christ; and I ___ not."
What is lie?
What are we to deny ourselves?
What is all ungodliness?
"Now is the time for you and me to prepare for the...
What is the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?
What can you get only after the trial of your faith?
What is a witness?
Who cries more, Bro. Spencer or Bro. Westphal?
Who is Bro. Westphal?
Vs. 25-26 pronounce wo to those if this happens in vs. 24.
What is powers and gifts of God are done away?
"Yea, come unto Christ, and be _________ in him,..."
What is perfected?
Title of Elder Holland's talk.
What is, "I Am He"?
The 3 elements needed to receive Moroni's promise.
What are pray with a sincere heart, real intent, and faith in Jesus Christ?
The wheels on the bus go _____ ___ _____.
What is round and round?