What is thyroiditis?
Inflammation of the thyroid gland
What is Graves' disease?
Causes the thyroid to produce too much thyroid hormone
What are hormones?
Chemical messengers in the body that control most bodily functions
What is the pituitary gland?
Secrets growth hormone
Insulin deficiency leads to?
Diabetes mellitus
What is goiter?
Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
What is Addison's disease?
Adrenal glands don't produce enough hormones.
The thyroid deals with ______ and ______ activity
Mental and physical activity
What does "endo" mean?
What is hypoglycemia?
Abnormally low blood glucose level
What is Cushing disease?
Overproduction of a pituitary gland hormone leads to an overactive adrenal gland
What do the testes release?
What are the parathyroid glands?
They raise the blood calcium level and maintain calcium and phosphorous balance in blood and bones
What are the two pituitary glands?
Anterior and posterior
What is hypo function?
Everything is happening slow/not at the right pace
What is precocious puberty?
Puberty coming too soon in life
What do the ovaries release?
Thyroid hormone cannot be produced without?
What are chief cells?
Produce the parathyroid hormone
What is hyperparathyroidism?
Hypercalcemia, bone weakness, fatigue, mental changes
What is PCOS?
Overproduction of androgens interfere with the development of eggs and their release from the female ovaries. (polycystic ovary syndrome)
What is the function of the thymus?
Generate mature T lymphocytes
______ is one of the most active glucocorticoids
What are Oxyphil cells?
Seen at the beginning of puberty, but have no known function