This produces positive results.
What is positive energy?
This is the name of the bus driver and what is lacking in George's life.
What is Joy?
These are the people getting through the day with no purpose, no spirit and no energy.
What are the dimmers?
This is a goal you expect to accomplish in a week or a month.
This is a goal that can take a year or more.
What is a long-term goal?
This is how many people did not get on George's bus.
What are 3?
This is why George needs to ride the bus.
What is he has a flat tire and no one to take him to work?
This is why Joy's bus is called the energy bus.
What is Joy is the energy ambassador and tries to energize everyone who comes on the bus?
This is what could have happened if George didn't get a flat tire.
What is he could have gotten in a bad accident?
This is how long George will be without his car.
What is 2 weeks?
This is the problem Joy has in her life.
What is her father is sick?
This is what Joy claims is the problem with blaming other people.
What is gives other people control of our own lives?
This is why George was growing anxious and impatient.
What is his car was taking much longer than it should have, and he doesn't like waiting?
This is why George didn't receive the notification about the recall.
What is he thought it was sale mail trying to take his money, and he threw it away?
This is what George discovers about energy.
What is energy can be attained or drained by everything in life?
This is George's vision.
What is get in shape, improve his relationship with his family and increase performance at his workplace?
This is what Joy teaches George about his thoughts.
This is the research Marty shows George to support the second rule of the energy bus.
What is research about Olympic athletes focusing on their desired outcomes?
This is why George felt like his life was spinning out of control and couldn't do anything to stop it.
What is he had always been able to fix every problem and rise to every occasion?
This is the formula related to the third rule.
What is E+P=O? event plus perception equals outcome
This is where many visualizations get stuck.
What is at the goal stage?
This is why visualizations work.
What is when we visualize something, the brain generates an impulse that tells our neurons to "perform" the movement?
This is what George does to be positive.
What is taking thank-you walks?
This is the great golf shot theory.
What is thinking about the one great thing that happened that day instead of focusing on what went wrong?
This is why George finds it so hard to change his behavior.
What is his negative attitude has become a habit?
This is how visualizations are connected the theme of positive energy.
What is visualizations help us set goals to move forward in a positive direction and hopefully break the negative habits?
This is who Janice is.
What is a teacher who used the 10 rules with her students and co-workers and created the energy bus website with digital tickets?
This is how George will invite people on his bus.
What is to email them a blank ticket to get them curious, meet with them individually and explain his vision, and give a paper ticket to invite them on the bus?
This is why Joy claims that people are most likely to die at 9 a.m. on Monday morning more than any other time.
What is because people would rather die than go to work, and it indicates that the anticipation of stress in the workplace on Monday creates an added strain on the body?
This is who else George should invite on his bus and why.
What is his wife so he can share his vision with her?