The English Revolution
Establishing a Limited Monarch
Revolution in America
"Acts" of Revolution

These were the two groups that fought in the English Revolution, one supporting the king and the other backing Parliament.

Who were the Cavaliers and the Roundheads?


These are the names of the two political parties that emerged during the reign of King Charles II

What are the Whigs and Tories?

This act required colonists to pay tax on many items such as newspapers, deeds, wills, dice, and playing cards.

What is the Stamp Act. 


This legislative act ensured that every prisoner had the right to be brought before a judge and be given a trial. 

What is the Habeas Corpus Act?


This document, signed in 1215, was the first to limit the powers of the monarch and establish that no one was above the law. 

What is the Magna Carta? 


James I believed his right to rule came from God, a concept known as this. 

What is the Divine Right of Kings?


This is what we call the period that marked the return of the monarchy after the collapse of Cromwell's Commonwealth. 

What was the Restoration? 


This event saw American colonists, disguised as Native American, dump British tea into a harbor in protest of British taxation. 

What was the Boston Tea Party?


This act united England and Scotland into a single political entity known as Great Britain. 

What was the Act of Union?


These Enlightenment thinkers influenced the United States Constitution by advocating for natural rights and the separation of powers. 

Who were John Locke and Montesquieu?


This document aimed to stop the king from imposing taxes without Parliament's consent, imprisoning citizens without a fair trial, imposing martial law, and forcing people to house soldiers in their home. 

What is the Petition of Right?


This revolution saw the peaceful transfer of power to William and Mary, leading to Parliament to have more power than the monarchy. 

What was the Glorious Revolution?


The first shots of the American Revolution were fired in this location. 

What was Lexington.


This act granted freedom of worship to Protestants in England, but not Catholics.

What was the Act of Toleration? 


The names of the two chambers of the English Parliament. 

What are the House of Lords and the House of Commons?


These were the three main issues James I and Parliament clashed over:

What was money, religion, and foreign policy?


The birth of this king's Catholic son was a major concern of Parliament, leading to his downfall...

Who was James II?

The Declaration of Independence was largely written by this man.

Who was Thomas Jefferson. 


This act required public official to belong to the Anglican Church.

What was the Test Act?


These THREE factors helped the Americans defeat the British.

What was: Leadership from George Washington, assistance from the French, and the fact that the Americans were fighting on their home soil. 

Who was an important leader for the Parliament forces in the English Revolution AND what was his army called?  

Who was Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army?


This document was signed by William and Mary, placing limits on royal power. 

What is the Bill of Rights?

This document guaranteed individual freedoms and was added to the United States Constitution to protect citizens' rights. 

What is the Bill of Rights?


This act ensured that the throne should be passed to the nearest protestant relative.

The Act of Settlement.


This is the king who sought to tax the American colonies to help cover the debt that built up during the Seven Years' War. 

Who was George III?