Society and Witchcraft
Key Figures
The Civil War
Causes of Civil War
This class included the monarch, advisers, and high church officials.
What is the upper class?
There is a version of the Bible that is named after him.
Who is King James I?
Mostly men from noble families who supported Charles I during the civil war.
Who were the cavaliers?
The Stuart Kings believed in this, which meant that they did not think they needed to consult parliament, as they were "above" everyone.
What is the Divine Right of Kings
When two or more groups in a country fight each other for control of that country
What is a civil war?
This class included merchants, manufacturers, and landowners.
What is the middle class?
This man could be seen as a tyrant because he would not compromise with parliament, was in constant conflict with the Puritans, conducted secret trials, and raised taxes.
Who is Charles I?
They signed an agreement with Charles I and invaded England.
Who are the Scottish?
Charles I used this against those who opposed him (secret trials without juries/witnesses...)
What is the Court of Star Chamber?
A king or queen with unlimited power or control.
What is an absolute monarch?
A sect of Protestantism. They wore dark clothes, had a strict moral code, and didn't like to have fun!
What is a Puritan?
He was leader of the New Model Army and became Lord Protector (military dictator) of England after the civil war.
Who is Oliver Cromwell?
Charles I was found guilty of this____, and beheaded in 1649.
What is treason?
This document was created by parliament to remind Charles of the civil rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta. Charles' reaction to it was to dissolve parliament for 11 years.
What is the Petition of Right?
A ruler who has complete power and uses it oppressively or unjustly.
What is a tyrant or dictator?
This man was hired to find and condemn witches, and is responsible for the deaths of over 200 women.
Who is Matthew Hopkins, or the "Witch-Finder General"
This man "liked to party," and was invited back to England to rule as a constitutional monarch.
Who is Charles II?
They abolished the monarchy and House of Lords, creating a republic, but were eventually dissolved by Cromwell.
What is the Rump Parliament?
This was a tax that was normally only imposed on coastal towns, but Charles made everyone pay it.
What is ship tax or ship money?
A government where there is no king; power rests in the citizens who vote to elect leaders. The Commonwealth of England is an example.
What is a republic?
This document, signed in 1215, recognized individual rights and freedoms, and required the English king to consult an elected parliament and rule lawfully.
What is the Magna Carta?
An unpopular Catholic king who abdicated (gave up) the throne.
Who is James II?
William and Mary agreed to this document in 1689, which limited the monarch's power.
What is the Bill of Rights?
Charles introduced this to the Scots, which resulted in rebellion.
What is a new prayer book or religious reforms?
When the monarch acts as the head of state, but their powers are limited by a constitution.
What is a constitutional monarchy?