``````````````` Puritan woman who disagreed on religious ideas, was tried, and forced to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Anne Hutchinson
a Separatist group that cut all ties with the Church of England and left England to escape persecution
`````````````` crops that are always needed, such as wheat, barley, and oats
staple crops
``````````````` a Quaker leader who founded the Pennsylvania colony
William Penn
``````````````` a Powhatan Indian who married Jamestown colonist John Rolfe
```````````````` a legal contract male passengers on the Mayflower signed agreeing to have fair laws to protect the general good
Mayflower Compact
`````````````` Native American leader who led a rebellion in the Ohio Valley in 1763
```````````````` colonists who reached America by working for free for other people who had paid for their journeys
indentured servants
```````````````````(Society of Friends) a religious group that believed in the equality of men and women before God; supported nonviolence and religious tolerance
````````````````` director general who led the New Netherland colony beginning in 1647
Peter Stuyvesant
``````````````` an act that made limiting the religious rights of Christians a crime
Toleration Act of 1649
. -----------------was the first permanent English settlement in America
```````````````leader of Puritans who left England for Massachusetts seeking religious freedom
John Winthrop
``````````````a Protestant group that wanted to reform, or purify, the Church of England
```````````````` an uprising led by Nathaniel Bacon against high taxes
Bacon’s Rebellion
```````````````(Squanto) Patuxet Indian who had lived in Europe and spoke English
``````````````` philosopher who thought that people had natural rights
`John Locke
``````````````people who have left the country of their birth to live in another country
````````````a former slave who wrote down his experiences
Olaudah Equiano
```````````````` policy in which Britain interfered very little in colonial affairs
salutary neglect
important leader of the Great Awakening; from Massachusetts
Jonathan Edwards
`````````````a colonist and leader of Jamestown
John Smith
`````````````` laws to control slaves
slave codes
`````````````````````movement during the 1700s that spread the idea that reason and logic could improve society
``````````````an English settlement in Virginia founded in 1607