People (usually men) with wealth, power or educations who are unhappy with the current status quo is an example of what?
Dissident Elites
True or False: A revolution is when a large masses of people decide to take power from a government
Which philosopher thought of Natural Rights?
John Locke
When did the Enlightenment occur?
17th-18th century
What is an uprising?
A violent rebellion against authority, especially a government.
What unifies a large enough number of people, specifically from multiple classes and groups, to effectively rebel?
Shared Motivation
True or False: Civilians are generally involved in a coup d'état
Which philosopher was a champion of Freedom of Speech?
What was a core idea of the Enlightenment?
Use of reason to understand the world. Skepticism toward received wisdom. Religious tolerance. Individual freedom of conscience
What is a slogan?
A motto associated with a political party, movement or other group.
What revolution example did I provide for mass frustration as a characteristic of a revolution?
French Revolution/Velvet Revolution
True or False: Revolutions happen because of reforms never made
Which philosopher believed in the "categorical imperative" as a guide for moral behavior?
Immanuel Kant
What were three roots of the Enlightenment?
Renaissance humanism, Protestant Reformation, Scientific Revolution
What is a manifesto?
A written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.
Which revolution did I provide that is an example of a state crisis?
Russian Revolution
True or False: Revolutions are always done through force
Which philosopher wrote the social contract
What did some thinkers call indigenous societies who were 'uncorrupted by civilization'?
Noble Savages
What is an insurgency?
A violent, armed rebellion by small, lightly armed groups against a larger authority.
Economic, cultural, military
A coup d'état is?
A sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group through the use of the society’s own military or police forces.
Which philosopher said the following quote:"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
What form of government emerged as a result of the Enlightenment?
Enlightened absolutism
What is Guerilla Warfare?
A type of warfare fought by guerilla's (civilians) in small-scale actions against military and police forces