Social Contract
Religious skepticism and reform
Views on non-European civilizations
Art and literature

Writer of Leviathan, in which he defended absolutism but only with popular sovereignty. Also the namesake of a Bill Watterson cartoon character

Who was Thomas Hobbes?


Reason-based religion believing God to have created the universe and then ceased to interfere. Popular in the Enlightenment among philosophers like Voltaire.

What is Deism?

French philosopher and author of Emile and The Social Contract. Advocate for popular sovereignty, criticizer of immoral progress, and famed rival of Arouet

Who was Jean-Jacques Rousseau?


Colonizers of Cape Town and other settlements in South Africa beginning in the mid-1600s

Who were the Dutch?


Ancient country which saw renewed interest through the Neoclassical movement after excavation of its cities Herculaneum and Pompeii in the 1700s

What was Ancient Rome?


English revolution that deposed James II. This revolution's ideals mirrored those of John Locke, who wrote that citizens are entitled to revolt if their government doesn't protect their rights and property

What was the Glorious Revolution?


Analogy key to the concept of Deism, fully described by William Palley in 1802

What is the divine watchmaker analogy?


What is the analogy of the clockwork universe?

Pen name of Francois-Marie Arouet, one of the most famous philosophers of the French Enlightenment. Wrote Candide and other works and advocated freedom of thought, abolition of slavery, and religious tolerance

Who was Voltaire?


Country whose meritocratic government was admired by Francois Quesnay, who called it "Oriental Despotism".

What was China?


What was Qing China?


19th century musical movement heavy on dynamics and emotion. Succeeded the Classical period and included composers like Beethoven, Chopin, and Tschaikovsky

What was the Romantic Movement?


Primary writer of the US Declaration of Independence who was significantly influenced by Locke's Two Treatises of Government and other Enlightenment thought

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


Religious group emancipated in France after the Revolution and further liberated by Napoleon in 1806

Who are the Jews?


French atheist philosopher and editor of Encyclopédie along with d'Alembart. Late in life, he became financially supported by Catherine the Great

Who was Denis Diderot?


Racist concept of Native Americans' being a wise race more in touch with nature and the beginning of the world than Europeans. Popularized by Rousseau and Adair and persists today

What is the idea of the "Noble Savage"?


Elegant and joyful 18th century design style that evolved from Baroque and embodied the French Enlightenment

What was Rococo?


Document signed by William III and Mary II in 1689 granting individual rights at the expense of the monarchy's power. The US Constitution has a similarly-named section

What was the English Bill of Rights?


Founder of Methodism, a sect of Christianity formed as a splinter from the Anglican Church

Who was John Wesley?


Late Enlightenment German philosopher who combined rationalism and empiricism and is often considered the father of modern ethics and aesthetics

Who was Immanuel Kant?

Name for people studying Asian civilizations such as the Safavid, Qing, and Mughal empires

Who were Orientalists?


Book written by Jonathan Swift as a satiric adventure taking readers through imaginary realms like Lilliput and Brobdingnag

What is Gulliver's Travels?


Type of democracy often contrasted with a republic. Argued for by Rousseau in his 1762 The Social Contract

What is a direct democracy?


Country that was home of Matthias Knutzen, who published the first Western atheist documents beginning in 1673

What was the Duchy of Schleswig?


What was the Kingdom of Denmark?


What is Germany?


Frenchman who argued for increased knowledge and women's equality in forming a utopian society

Who was the Marquis de Condorcet?


Philosopher who used Native American idolatry to justify belief in their cultural inferiority, following a Eurocentric model of progress (an Enlightenment staple)

Who was David Hume?


Treatise written by Mary Wollstonecraft in 1792

What is A Vindication of the Rights of Women?