These instruments made scientific discoveries possible and helped ideas spread quickly.
What is the telescope, microscope and printing press.
The enlightenment philosopher who promoted the idea of 'natural rights'.
Who is John Locke.
The conflict that preceded the Seven Year War.
What is the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748).
The English document that resulted from the political achievements of the Glorious Revolution.
What is the 'English' Bill of Rights.
Copernicus and Kepler promoted this view of the universe.
What is the heliocentric view of the universe.
The three philosophes important in the first half of the eighteenth century.
Who is Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Diderot.
The Austrian king who abolished serfdom.
Who is Joseph II.
The territory fought over by Prussia and Austria during The War of the Austrian Succession and the reason why Austria initiated new fighting during the Seven Years War.
What is Silesia (Austria).
The primary method British leaders used raise revenue to cover costs of the Seven Years War.
What is taxation.
Discoveries made by Galileo using a telescope.
What are mountains on Earth's moon and four moons revolving around Jupiter and sunspots.
The enlightenment philosopher who promoted the idea of 'laissez-faire' economics in this publication.
Who is Adam Smith in 'The Wealth of Nations'.
The Russian empress who favored enlightened reforms.
Who is Catherine II, Catherine the Great.
The country that finally achieved permanent control over Silesia at the end of the Seven Years War.
What is Prussia.
The popular pamphlet written by Thomas Paine wherein Paine argued for the right of the people to govern their own affairs and separate from the rule of a monarch.
What is 'Common Sense'.
This person discovered the universal law of gravitation.
Who is Isaac Newton.
What is the social contract.
The country that eventually established control of India at the end of the Seven Years War.
What is Britain.
The important legal and political document written on behalf of the American colonies with the aim of establishing a permanent separation from British rule.
What is the Declaration of Independence.
The method developed and promoted by Francis Bacon.
A genius musical composer inspired by the enlightenment.
Who is Mozart.
The enlightened ruler who put on his tombstone "Here lies ________ who was unfortunate in all his enterprises."
Who is Joseph II.
The country that lost control of North America at the end of the Seven Years War.
What is France.
The important legal and political document that enshrines the powers of Congress and the rights of citizens.
What is the Constitution and Bill of Rights.