Ancient Culture
The Hero's Journey
Epic Conventions
The Plot - Give Answer!
The Gods
This city is located in present day Iraq.
Where was Uruk located?
Gilgamesh's loyal companion
Who is Enkidu?
He is the ideal man of a civilization and goes on a long journey in order to solve a conflict or find the answer to a universal question.
Who is the epic hero? Who is Gilgamesh?
What two creatures do Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeat together?
Humbaba and The Bull of Heaven
This god sends Gilgamesh the supernatural aid of wind and storm
Who is Shamash?
wedge shaped writing
What is cuneiform?
This sword was used to kill Humbaba and is considered a talisman.
What is the sword of eight talents?
Joseph Campbell.
Who is the greatest mythologist of our time?
How does Humbaba react when Gilgamesh and Enkidu finally reach him?
He begs for his life.
According to Utnapishtim, this god became enraged when he learned humans survived the flood.
Who is Enlil?
What do we call the ancient belief in many gods?
This archetype occurs when Gilgamesh is saddened by Enkidu's death and decides to search for immortality.
What is the call to the adventure?
This occurs when a god or supernatural power intervenes, solving the plot conflict.
What is deus ex machina?
According to Utnapishtim, why do the gods decide to destroy humanity?
There were too many people on Earth, and they became too loud.
This god whispered the threat of the flood to the reeds and asked Utnapishtim to build a powerful boat.
Who is Ea?
Invasion, natural disasters, and illness.
What did the people of ancient Mesopotamia fear?
This archetype is observed when Gilgamesh finally accepts his mortal limitations and decides to focus on becoming a great ruler.
What is atonement?
This occurs when the narrative begins "in the middle of things."
What is medias res?
What does Gilgamesh plan to do with the plant?
He plans to bring it Uruk and give it to the wise elders so that these men can once again be great leaders and builders. He will use it so that he may have immortality, as well!
This god created Enkidu in hopes that Enkidu would contend and absorb Gilgamesh's energy.
Who is Aruru?
This is the year Sumerian civilization was established--which is why the Sumerian people are considered the world's oldest civilization.
What happened in 3500 B.C.?
This archetype occurs when Gilgamesh becomes even more renown and god-like (hint: we're still talking about him today!)
What is apotheosis?
This is an EXTENDED and ORNATE comparison of unlike things using like or as.
What is an epic simile?
What lesson does Gilgamesh learn from his journey--from obtaining and then losing the plant of immortality?
He must accept his fate as a mortal. He must accept his human limitations and focus on the good he can accomplish while living hear on Earth.
This god tried to seduce Gilgamesh and sent the Bull of Heaven to kill him when Gilgamesh rejected her advances.
Who is Ishtar?