Indigenous Labor and Its Impacts
European Technologies Used for Exploration
Christopher Columbus' Voyages
Treaties and Geopolitical Agreements

Indigenous peoples were often coerced or forced into providing labor for European colonizers in this system.

What is encomienda?


This navigational instrument with a magnetic needle helped sailors maintain a consistent heading during long voyages.

What is a magnetic compass?


This was the primary goal of Christopher Columbus' voyages.

What is finding a westward route to Asia?


This European nation was considered a political rival of Spain

What is the Portugal?


This was a means of suicide used by the Taino people

What is poison with cassava juice


European explorers used this instrument to measure the angle of celestial bodies above the horizon, aiding in determining their location.

What is an astrolabe?


The name of the ships Columbus commanded on his first voyage.

What is the Santa MarĂ­a, Pinta, and Nina?


The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in 1494, moved the line dividing Spanish and Portuguese territories to this direction from these islands.


What is 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands?


European colonizers utilized Indigenous women for this kind of labor.

What is domestic labor?


Sailors used this navigational instrument to measure the angle between the horizon and a celestial body, helping them determine their latitude.

 What is a cross-staff?


The year Christopher Columbus embarked on his second and fourth voyages.

What is 1493 & 1502?


Treaties such as the Treaty of Tordesillas had significant consequences for European exploration, leading to increased competition and motivation to find alternative routes to this destination.

What is finding alternative routes to Asia (the East Indies)?


This subset of Spanish settlers shared no concern for the natives, and actively killed the Tainos.

What is brutal criminals?


European sailors relied on this weighted line with a lead weight at the end to measure the depth of the sea.

What is a lead?


On his fourth voyage, Columbus encountered difficulties and was marooned on this Caribbean island for almost a year.

What is Jamaica?


The Treaty of Tordesillas aimed to resolve disputes between Spain and Portugal over territorial claims in the New World, primarily concerning this aspect.


What is territorial claims in the New World?


The exploitation of Indigenous labor had far-reaching consequences, including the loss of traditional lands and resources for Indigenous communities. This impact would be categorized as?

What is economic impact?


This timekeeping device, often filled with sand, was critical for keeping track of time during shifts aboard ships.

What is an hourglass?


During this voyage, Christopher Columbus visited Trinidad and explored the coast of present-day Venezuela.

What is the Third voyage


After Columbus's first voyage, the Spanish monarchs applied to the Pope for exclusive rights to all discovered lands, resulting in this papal edict issued in 1493.

What is the Inter caetera papal edict?