Young Columbus
Planning a Voyage
Sailing the Ocean Blue
The BIG mistakes
After the sinking...
In what city and country was Columbus born?
Genoa, Italy
What country finally funded Columbus' voyage to India?
In what year did Columbus sail to North America?
What location was Columbus seeking when he left on his famous voyage?
Which of Columbus' boats sank in December?
The Santa Maria
How old was Columbus when he sailed his first mission.
25 years old
Who were the kind and queen of Spain when Columbus asked for money to sail?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Name the ships Spain gave Columbus:
Santa Maria, Pinta, Nina
Approximately how many days did the ships sail without seeing land?
About 30 days
Describe what happened to the Santa Maria.
The boat survived the hurricanes for 48 hours, but when the men fell asleep with a boy in charge, the boat was punctured by coral reef. It sank.
What happened to Columbus' ship on his first voyage?
It was attacked by pirates and burned.
List all of the countries Columbus asked to fund his mission to the Indies.
Italy, Portugal, England, France, Spain
What was the name of the island, in the Caribbean, that Columbus actually landed on?
San Salvador
Why did Europeans want a water route to India? (hint: Didn't they already have a land route? What was the disadvantage to a land route that a water route would solve?)
To travel by land from India, camels carried 100 pounds of silk, spices, and gold each while walking through the desert. A ship route would result in over 600 pounds of merchandise at once, without relying on camel speed.
With only 1 remaining boat, what did Columbus decide to do with his "larger-than-would-fit" crew before heading back to Spain? (hint: how many ad what were his directions?)
Columbus left 39 men behind, in Hispanola, to build a fort out of the materials of the sunken Santa Maria.
Where did Columbus' brother, who took him in after his disastrous first voyage, live?
Why did Spain's rulers change their minds about funding Columbus' trip? (hint: what had occurred in Spain that comforted the king and queen enough to spend money on Columbus?)
Spain had defeated a major Muslim city, the city of Moore.
When Columbus met the Native Americans, what caught his eye?
The Native American's gold jewelry
What 3 items did Columbus bring back to Spain to prove his mistake was a profitable one?
Parrots, Native Americans, and Gold from the Natives
Describe what happened (on two occasions) to the Pinta. (Hint: Be specific! When, where, what is unusual about happening twice in one trip?)
The Pinta was lost at sea in December 1492 during a hurricane but met up with Columbus on his way back to Spain in the Nina. The Pinta was lost at sea a second time, but landed in Spain a few hours after the Nina.
Portugal was known for its ________________ schools, which Columbus took advantage of.
What did Spanish rulers put on Columbus' sails and why?
Red crosses, to symbolize Spain's goal to spread Catholicism.
What is the name of the island Columbus landed on as a result of the hurricanes. (hint: this is the island he sailed to after not finding gold on the island the natives took him to.)
Name one BIG mistake Columbus made when he though about Earth.
1: He thought earth was 1/4 smaller than it is. 2: He though India is just to the west of Spain/Portual (Europe) He was 9,000 miles off! 3: He thought earth is mostly land.
How many trips did Columbus make to the "New World" (in total)? Bonus 200 points if you can list the years of each voyage!!!
A total of 4 trips: 1492, 1493, 1498, 1502