Zune Trivia
Services & Features
Zune vs iPod
Zune Missteps

Introduced in 2006, five years after its competitor, this product was too late to challenge Apple's dominance in the MP3 market.

What is Zune?


Launched alongside the Zune HD in 2009, this online store offered music, videos, podcasts, and apps for Zune devices.

What is Zune Marketplace ?


The Zune HD was released to compete with this Apple product.

What is the Apple iPod Touch?


In 2006, this unconventional color was the first to be introduced for the original Zune, setting it apart from other portable media players of its time.

What is Brown ?


This sleek portable media player, hailed for its OLED touchscreen and HD Radio support, was launched in September 2009.

What is Zune HD?


The monthly music subscription service for Zune.

What is Zune Music Pass?

This online music service, launched in 2004 as a competitor to iTunes, allowed users to purchase and download individual tracks or entire albums.

What is Msn Music ?


Following years of struggling to compete with its rival, the iPod, Microsoft ceased production of Zune hardware in this year, marking the end of its dedicated portable media player line. What is the year when Microsoft discontinued the production of Zune devices?

When is 2011?


This slogan, part of Zune's early marketing efforts, aimed to create a sense of community around the brand, inviting users to join a platform for sharing music and connecting with others.

What is 'Welcome to the social' ?


The Zune Pass subscription allowed users to permanently keep this number of tracks per month from the subscription catalog, even if they canceled their subscription.

What is 10 ?


At the time of its launch in 2006, this was the approximate % market share held by the iPod, the dominant player in the portable media player market, making the competition fierce for the newly introduced Zune.

What is 75% ?


Zune faced embarrassment in 2008 due to a software glitch that caused this issue, making the devices freeze on the last day of the year.

What is leap year bug ?


The original Zune, released in 2006, shared its hardware platform and design cues with this Toshiba product, showcasing Microsoft's venture into the portable media player market.

What is Toshiba Gigabeat ?


Introduced by Zune in 2006, this feature allowed wireless song sharing between devices, but had severe DRM limitations.

What is "squirting"?


In 2008, this number represented the cumulative sales of a Microsoft product, which aimed to challenge the dominance of the iPod.

What is 2 Million ?

When the Zune was released in 2006, it was priced competitively against the iPod, with this approximate difference in price between the two devices. What is the amount representing the price difference between the Zune and iPod at the time of Zune's release?

What is $10?


Microsoft wanted Zune to be this kind of player.

What is a High-end leader?


Prior to the launch of MSN Music, Microsoft acquired this music recommendation service in 2000, integrating its technology into the platform.

What is MongoMusic?


This former Microsoft executive admitted that entering the music market years after Apple was a strategic mistake.

Who is Robbie Bach?


Zune Marketplace had this many free downloadable apps compared to Apple App Stores 85000+ applications.

What is 9 ?