Family Forms
Family Functions
Family Roles
History of Families
Lifestyles/Changes in Families

This family form includes parents, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents & other blood relatives

What is an extended family?


Families that provide the necessities such as food, water, clothing, protection, medical care, etc. 

What is the Physical Maintenance and Care of Members? 


Someone that is regarded by others as an inspiration for younger or less experienced people to imitate

What is a Role Model? 


The world "shrank"

What is the Globalization era (2000s)?


A societal change that happens and impacts the lifestyle of families (e.g., Divorce rates, participation of women in workforce, gender roles, generational shifts in parental perceptions)

What is Social Change? 


Two adults in a consenting relationship

What is a Couple family form? 


Teaching the skills, values, attitudes and manners needed to be prepared for life and reflect those of society

What is the Socialization of Children for Adult Roles? 


A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing

What is a Stereotype? 


A time of economic prosperity and women were having LOTS of babies 

What is the Baby Boom (1946 - 1964)? 


Involves change of economy that impact family lifestyles (e.g., Skills-based economy, Income Equality) 

What is Economic Change? 


This family form includes couples living without a legalized marriage 

What is a common law family? 


Teaches and enforce the social behaviour accepted by society 

What is Social Control of Children?


The expected and characteristic pattern of behavior exhibited by an individual as a member of a particular social group

What is a Role? 


A time of great poverty where many were out of work and families lost their homes

What is The Great Depression (1930s)? 


A change and development in technology that impacts the lifestyle of families (e.g., Household Technology, Parental Supervision) 

What is Technological Change? 


This family involves parents who bring their children together from previous relationships 

What is a blended family?


These are families that perform their functions well

What are Effective Families? 


A role that you choose to take on.

What is a Chosen Role? 


A time where families are spending less time together and the internet is introduced

What is the Computer Age (1990s)? 


A change in environment that impacts the lifestyle of families (e.g., Climate change, war, resource depletion)

What is Environmental Change? 


This family form has one parent due to divorce, separation, or death 

What is a lone parent family? 


Meet the emotional needs of members by providing unconditional love

What is Nurturance and Love? 


Kyle (18) is the oldest of his two other siblings; Leo (10) and Sarah (9). Kyle knows that he is expected to look out for his siblings in their family as their mentor by providing emotional support and guiding them with their homework

What is a Given Role? 


A time where traditional gender roles were challenged as more women were going to post-secondary, working, having careers

What is the Feminist Movement (1970s)? 


This includes families coming from different cultures, races, socio-economic backgrounds, linguistics, religions, etc. 

What is a diverse family background?