what is your mpther name ?
my mother name is melvina
what is your father name?
my father is carlos
what is your sister name?
my sister name is alice
how old is your son ?
my son is seven years old
what is your mother favorite subject?
my mother favotite subject is English.
what is your father favorite sport?
my father favorite sport is soccer
where do your sister live?
my sister live in london
where do your son live ?
my son live at the school
what is your mother cell phone number?
my moher cellphone number is 67543209
where your father live ?
my father live in Spain
which is your sister favorite food?
my sister favorite food is rice and meat
which school your son study?
my son study at gatuncillo school
where your mother live ?
my mother live at portobelo
which is your favorite father food?
my father favorite food is chicken
how old is your sister?
my sister is ten years old
Do your mother marriage?
Yes my mother marriage
what is your father favorite color?
my father favorite color is gray
whatis your sister favorite language?
my sister favorite language is french