Name the amount/number
(See if you remember)
Words and meanings
What it's about
Four w's

How many days is the Feast of Tabernacles kept?

1.Seven days

2. Nine days

3. Three days

4. Eight days

4. Eight days.


what land did we get delivered from, during the time of Passover?



what dose ''Holy convocation'' mean?

Holy gathering


WHY aren't we dwelling in booths now?

Because were in the land of our captivity, were homeless.


WHO caused us to be blessed in the land of Egypt?

1. Holy man Moses

2. Jospeh

3. Noah

4. Our four father Jacob

2. Joseph 

- Joseph was famous in the land of Egypt. because of Joseph we were blessed in the land of Egypt.


How many years were the Israelites in the wilderness?

1. 20

2. 40

3. 7

4. 12

2. 40 years


What is the feast of unleavened bread also called?

The Passover


What can you compare the booths too?

log cabins


Why is the eighth day CALLED the great day? (2)

Because that was the day that you get to leave your booths and go back to your homes. And it was like when we first left captivity.


WHAT did the Lord provide for the nation of Israel once they left the land of Egypt and dwelt in the wilderness?

1. Clouds and rain

2. The rainbow

3. Holy man Moses

4. Shelter

4. Shelter.


what was the number of Israelites that were first in the land of Egypt?

1. 70

2. 40

4. 1, 400

5. 200

1. 70



The feast of weeks can also be referred to as the feast of first fruits. 



What is another word for "Stranger", when referring to someone who does not live in a land that they may be in?

1. immigrant

2. illegal alien

3. foreigner 

4.  American 

1. immigrant 

2. foreigner


What is the feast of tabernacles all about? what should we remember?

1. That the nation of Israel left Egypt homeless and when they were in Egypt, they were homeless, because the land of Egypt was not their home. 

2.  three and one

3. To let all generations know that we didn't have a home, and the Lord caused us to dwell in booths.

4. The feast.

5. one and six

6. To make us remember that we were without a land, a home, that we as a nation of people were homeless.

Everything but 4


WHERE were we once we were delivered out of the land of Egypt?

The wilderness.


How many years were the Israelites in captivity by the Egyptians?

2. 400


What was so important about the feast of first fruits?

Israel couldn't have no fruit until they actually had a land to have fruit in. 


What else can the Feast of Tabernacles be called?

1. The feast of harvest

2. the feast of the fiftieth day.

3. The great feast.

4. The feast of booths

4. The feast of booths.


Why is the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles called ''the great''? (what is it supposed to remind us, to be specific)

Because it's supposed to remind Israel that this is the day that we entered into our home (which is the land of Israel)


WHY was feast of tabernacles so emotional to Israel once they were brought out of the land of Egypt?

Because they spent all that time in Babylon not having a land.


What day does feast of tabernacles end in the seventh month?

The 23 day of the seventh month.


What three high holy days bring us back into remembrance of us not having a home, getting a home, and being blessed in a home?

Passover, feast of first fruits, and the feats of tabernacles. 


What is the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles called?

1. The great day of the morning.

2. The great day of the morrow.

3. The great day of the feast.

4. The great day of the Israelites.

3. The great day of the feast.


When the nation of Israel got into the homeland and went into the booths what were they supposed to be remembering?

The hardship.


Bonus question: What was going on in the days of Joshoa? moreover, where was Israel coming out of?
