Spanish Exploration
French Exploration
French & Indian War
Native Americans
Wealthy Spanish ranchers built these large estates in New Mexico were many of the workers were Native Americans.
What is a hacienda?
Along the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes region many French and Native Americans exchanged goods at these establishments.
What is a trading post?
In the 1700's, many British settlers moved from the overcrowded colonial cities along the east coast to this rugged stretch of land near the Appalachian Mountains.
What is backcountry?
This route created by the Spanish explorers was used to transfer goods and Native Americans to and from New Mexico and Mexico City.
What is the El Camino Real?
As a result of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, this country gained control of French lands west of the Mississippi.
What is New Spain?
These were military forts built by the Spanish to protect the missions in New Mexico.
What are presidios?
This term is used to describe a stream or a river that eventually flows into a larger river.
What is a tributary?
The French lost a key battle against British forces here in 1759, and this victory aided the British in triumph during the French and Indian War.
What is Quebec?
In this wave of attacks led by Pope in 1680, the Native Americans drove the Spanish out of New Mexico for the enslavement practices placed upon the Natives there.
What is the Pueblo Revolt?
This is how long the French and Indian War last.
What is 9 years?
The leader of this fleet of ships from New Spain battled the French and gained control of Florida in 1565.
Who is Pedro Menendez de Aviles?
This French missionary was the first French explorer to draw maps of the Mississippi River in 1673.
Who is Jacques Marquette?
In 1754, this young British army officer lead and fought against French soldiers near Fort Duquesne in the Ohio River valley.
Who is George Washington?
This is the name for the fighting that occurred between the Ottawa Natives and the British settlers following the end of French and Indian War.
What is Pontiac's Rebellion?
This French fur trader accompanied Jacques Marquette as their team of explorers traveled down the Mighty Mississippi in search of a river that flowed west to the Pacific Ocean.
Who is Louis Jolliet?
This is the first permanent European settlement founded by New Spain in what is now the United States.
What is St. Augustine
This French explorer chartered an expedition down the Mississippi River with the goal of finding the mouth of the Mississippi. He eventually laid claim to the entire Mississippi River valley and all of its tributaries for France.
Who is Robert La Salle?
After Great Britain and France signed this document the war officially ended and the land once claimed by New France was redistributed among the British, Spanish, and Natives.
What is the Treaty of Paris in 1763?
During this war in 1675, Metacom led several Native American groups into battle against English settlers in New England for the rights to the land.
What is King Phillip's War?
This is one of the two rivers that join together to form the Ohio River, which is a tributary to the mighty Mississippi. George Washington fought his first battle against the French near by both of these rivers.
What is the Allegheny or Monongahela?
This Spanish man, originally named "Miguel" traveled to the Americas as a Spanish missionary and established the first Spanish missions in present day California.
Who is Junipero Serra?
This original French settlement, now known as one of the busiest port cities for trade in the United States is positioned at the mouth of the Mississippi.
What is New Orleans?
This official announcement from King George III stated that all colonist could not settle on lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
When ask to join the fight against the French in 1754, this Iroquois leader stated, "the British and the French are quarreling about lands which belong to us, and their quarrel may end in our destruction."
Who is the Iroquois leader named Hendrick?
This British General led his forces to victory over the French at the capital of New France in 1759. This battles victory helped the British win the French and Indian War.
Who is James Wolfe?