Before Filming
After Filming
Shots & Tools
Who dis?
Which Production Stage?

An outdoor space on movie studio acreage that can be transformed into exterior sets for a movie.

What is a backlot?


a compilation of the film's scenes from start to finish, but not the final version.

What is a rough cut?


A sequence of shots arranged as to suggest meaning and symbolic associations.

What is a montage?


This person has the most complete understanding of the film's story, narrative structure, and visual design.

Who is the Director?

(Director's Vision)


In this stage the director plans the scenes, casts, the actors, and works in collaboration with others to decide the films overall look.

What is pre-production?


The time and place where an event or action occurs; also, a segment of the film that takes place in one time and place.

What is a scene?


The three elements of a soundtrack.

What are dialogue, sound effects, and music.(purpose of each?)


A type of shot that emphasizes dramatic impact and is often shot as a close up.

What is a reaction shot?

(music box scene)


This person works with the director to plan how to light and shoot each scene in the script.

Who is the cinematographer?


During this stage, the film editor creates transitions, such as dissolves.

What is post-production?


A type of process photography where a previously shot film segment is replayed, or projected, onto a screen from behind while actors are photographed in front of the screen.

What is rear projection?

(Arlington Cemetery)


the maintaining of consistency from shot to shot and from scene to scene in a film, even when scenes are shot out of sequence

What is continuity?


An instrument that is played by using only your hands and the air around it.

What is a theremin?

(Why good choice for TDTESS)


This Person's tasks include creating sets and finding exterior locations when they are needed for a scene.

Who is the production designer?


During this stage, the director and the cinematographer work together to create shots on a backlot.

What is production?


Physical characteristics, acting ability, and character types are all used to determine this. 

What is cast the actors?


The final cut of the film that audiences see in theaters.

What is the Final Film?


Sounds that relate directly to the action on screen.

What are visible sound effects?

(door slam, etc)


This person's tasks include selecting shots from raw footage, then cutting and splicing those shots together into a sequence.

Who is the film editor?


During what stage would you add the soundtrack to a film?

What is post-production?


The techniques or devices that a filmmaker uses when creating a film such as shots, camera angles, and lighting.

What are cinematic conventions?


When talking films were first invented they were called this.

What are "speakies"?

(How did the media initially react?)


Sounds that are heard but not seen on the screen.

What are invisible sound effects?

(crickets in background, etc)


This person orchestrates the layers of sound on the track so that the sound effects and dialogue work together smoothly.

Who is the sound editor?


A reaction shot would be filmed during this stage of production.

What is Production?