What was the date Annmarie and Sam began their gym journey?
what is september 2nd, 2024
who is the muslim man we all know and love?
who is mittal?
"my dogs birthday is on valentines day....."
what is "if anyone cares"
name every piece of Annmarie's "outfit"
what is green vest, jeans, black new balances, tight long sleeve shirt
which twin is Aleehas favorite between Brooklyn and Bailey ("coincidentally" the opposite of Annmaries')
who is Bailey (idfk)
what noise did one sweet daisy trademark this year?
what is a deep cough to purposely bring up mucus?
5'6 & 15
"Do they suspect"....
what is "foul play"
what was sams icon outfit from year 1?
what is a rain jacket, a swimsuit, jeans, hiking socks, and birkenstocks
In what place did Daisy drive drive on the sidewalk
What is Milligan Village
what did sarah almost lose this year?
what is her APS scholarship.
Which lover wrote a love song to his woman and what was the famous line?
what is chase and "moved to TN to make some friends"
"Guys it's Cheryl"....
you could have seen this sorority girl wheeling this to her car
what is homeless cart?
what size did Railey buy her pajamas for secret santa for Daisy?
what was the make and model of the car from the infamous hit and run?
what is white ford truck?
name every one of sams men you have been present for?
who is J mike, Cody, conner, hunter, collin, kade, jed, jake, cayden, austin
"Does Seth know"...
what is "that he has autism"
What did Annmarie's shoes say last semester when she was shopping for france?
what is "mas amor, per favor"
name the "sorority" Annmarie created
what is camping phi delta
How many pounds did we find aleeha can use for skull chrushers?
what is "less than five pounds"
What was the name of Sarah's prom date senior year?
Who is Jedidiah
"Can yall go to bed, what are you"...
what is "19 or 20 years old"
What goes well with any outfit?
What is platform pink hey dudes
what day was our first noise complaint filed?
what is September 28th, 2023