Is this the beginning of the mountain or the end?
The beginning... If you got it wrong then what's wrong with you?
The inciting incident is what introduces the conflict. (An acceptable answer can be yes, no, or possibly)
Possibly, there is no certainty that it introduces the conflict.
Cierto o Falso: The climax is the turning point
True... How did you get that wrong?
Does the falling action happen after the climax.
Yes...... Mr. Stroupe was that your best friend I saw at the Grocery sotre?
What is resolution?
The end of the story when the conflict is resolved.
Are there hints of possible conflict in the Exposition?
Yes, While the full conflict may not be revealed, hints of it are present.
True or False: The Inciting Incident starts the Rising Action
True, when the conflict is introduced, The suspense builds up.
No, in some cases the climax does end the conflict, but in most stories the conflict dies down, hence the falling action.
True or False: The conflict is resolved at this point.
False, while some stories are like that, no conflicts are truly resolved until the Resolution.
Can a new conflict emerge during this period.
Most of the time no. But in some cases there is a new conflict. (Which sets up a good selling price for a sequel)
What does the exposition introduce?
Characters, Setting, situations the character has, etc.
What keeps the rising action going?
A conflict/complication keeps the rising action going.
Is the climax always in the middle of the story?
Ofc not why would you think that, the climax can be wonky, so can the whole plot mountain.
What release do the characters feel at this point?
They feel a release of emotional tension.
BONUS POINTS (THIS IS WORTH 600): What are the three main parts to a draft resolution? (Write on a paper)
The heading, the preamble and the operative section.
How long can expositions go?
Paragraphs, pages or even chapters.
Could the rising action enhance the conflict or make the conflict worse?
Yes, The rising action can introduce new conflicts.
Is the climax most important in the story?
No! Many times it's the most suspenseful, but mostly after the climax, seeing the character's growth is most important.
What happens to the tension during the falling action?
The tension winds down and the conflict is slowly becoming resolved.
How is the theme or moral of the story revealed in the resolution?
Sometimes in fiction works, the theme is revealed just by saying it, but it's not that easy, they can be revealed through what the character learns, what is said by the characters, etc.
True or False: Expositions are exciting, quick, and the most suspenseful part of the story.
Does the Rising action have Carte blanche to end without a climax?
Is the fate of the characters decided after the conflict or climax has ended?
Yes, once the climax has ended, the fate of the characters is decided.
What is the purpose of the Falling Action?
The falling action deflates the plot's tension, and allows the characters to basically "Take a break"
How is resolution important to the story?
The resolution reveals theme, and ties up a character's story.