Magestys favorite show
what is phantom of the opera (1990)
our servers dumbist/least used rule
what is rule #12/what is "Princess" Celestia being known as "Queen Celestia" yasss slay girllll
the first role listed
what is the pronoun role he/him
the most asked question award goes to...
what is "is there a session today"
the forever grounded child rumored about in school. never ungrounded by their parents
who is brat
Magestys favorite color
what is pink
who our first host was
who is Frog/Froggers/Froggy
the number of partnerships we have
what is 11
most commonly used letter on its own
what is L
who got muted for 5 days?
who is moss
Magestys real name
What is Archie
who our pfp was made by
who is Sunny
the secret channels
what are the jails
like 75? what is 75
magestys favorite
who is Noodles
Magestys least favorite animal
What are hornets
the number of mods we have
what is 4
the horse in phantom of the opera
who is César
most ignored request
what is "get some sleep"
who is Vin!
Froggers' favorite color (never said anything abt having past hosts)
what is dark blue
the worst channel we have
what is the mod log
what is the number of qotd's we have asked
what is 134 (will accept 130 or 135)
the number of oc's submited
what is 81
who is Eden