Echo & Narcissus
Daedalus & Icarus
The White Snake
Goha & the Pot and The Prodigal Son

What is the curse given to Narcissus?

He was cursed to fall into a love that cannot be returned.


Who is Daedalus's nephew? 



What is the servant curious about that he eventually eats? What power does this give him? 

He is curious about the King's meal that he eats after everyone leaves the table. It gives him the power to hear animals talk.


After Goha borrows a pot from his neighbor, when he brings it back what does he tell the neighbor when the neighbor asks why he brought back more than one pot?

The pot had a baby


Why did Hera curse Echo?

Hera cursed Echo because Echo talked to Hera, distracting her from Zeus escaping from spending time with the other nymphs.


Why does Daedalus kill Perdix? 

Because Perdix is a clever inventor, and Daedalus is jealous of his intelligence and creations.


What does the servant ask the king for? What do they represent?

The servant asks the king for a horse and traveling money. They represent freedom and a way out of the kingdom.


What does the younger son ask his father for in “The Prodigal Son”?

Inheritance (early)


Why is "Echo and Narcissus" considered a myth? 

"Echo and Narcissus" is considered a myth because the story explains how we have echoes and narcissus flowers through the action of the Gods. 


What advice does Daedalus give Icarus before the flight? 

Don't fly to high because your wings will melt in the sun. Don't fly too low because you will get trapped in the waves and drowned. Fly a middle course.


Which literary term best describes the following?

The serving dish was calling out to the servant as he was walking back to his bedroom.  



What did Goha say was his reason for not returning the pots?

The pots died


Do you think Echo truly loved Narcissus? Based on this, how do you think love was regarded by Greek culture?

(teacher discretion) 


Who are the Gods punishing by the death of Icarus? Daedalus or Icarus. Give 2 reasons. 

(teacher discretion)


What are the three animals that the servants helps from "The White Snake"? How do these three animals come back to help him? (Must explain specifically how these animals help in each task)

Fish, ants, baby ravens

Fish help the servant retrieve the ring from the bottom of the sea. Ants help the servant pick up millet seed from the princess's garden. Ravens help the servant by flying to the end of the world and getting an apple from the Tree of Life.


What is the moral of the prodigal son? (two possible options)

If someone is looking for forgiveness you should give it them.

If you make a mistake you should seek forgiveness.


Give two reasons why the death of Perdix was unjust.

(teacher discretion)


The following quote is taken from Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451. Which literary term best describes the technique? 

"Old Montag wanted to fly near the sun and now that he's burnt his wings, he wonders why." 



Why is the servant willing to save some animals, but kill others?

He is willing to kill the animals that have more power and are associated with the King and the kingdom, while he is willing to save the animals that he can relate to. (He cheers for the 'little' guy).


What is the similarity between the story of the sheep, the gold coin, the sinner and the prodigal son?

They were all lost, found and then celebrated.