What year did the Inuit relocate?
What regions of Canada are included in the High Arctic?
Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.
What did the Inuit suffer during transportation?
The Inuit had suffered separation of family.
What does Inuit mean in their language?
Inuit means "People".
Which year did the Canadian government attempt to settle the Inuit in western lifestyle?
Where did the Inuit relocate?
The High Arctic.
What the main hardships that the Inuit went through while they were in their new location?
Lack of food and colder weather.
What language do the Inuit speak?
In how many locations were the Inuit separated at during transportation?
Which ocean did the Inuit cross while being transported to their new location?
The Arctic Ocean.
Who are the Inuit?
The Inuit are a group of Indigenous peoples of the Arctic.
During the 1950's, what were their main foods?
Marine animals and Caribou.