ML Book 1
Kingdom Questions

Quote the memory verse for Week 2 of BTJ (1 Corinthians 10:13)

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." ! Corinthians 10:13 


What do the terms Oikos, Pais, Oikonomos and Oikodomeo mean? Explain the significance of each in a believers life. 

Oikos: "Household" - we are all members of Gods household. We have been baptized into the body of Christ through the Holy Spirit 

Pais: "Son" or "Servant" - We are both a son (daughter) and a servant of the Lord. The significance of what we do is the result of who we are! Sonship makes us servants 

Oikonomos: "Steward" - The master of the household assigns the steward to meet the needs of his household. This person cannot distribute what the master does not provide

Oikodomeo: "Build up" - Introduces an understanding of what it means to serve the Master through edifying or building up one another 


Say ALL the verses of MasterLife we have learned so far!! 


Luke 9:23 

John 15:5 

John 8:31-32

John 15:7

John 13:34-35

John 15:8


How does one gain permanent residency in the Kingdom of God? 

To have genuine/active repentance. To walk in truth and in the light of life. To have no fellowship with the darkness! We walk with the one who IS light, IN light!


On this past Thursday girls night, we spoke how the Word of God is what renews our mind to make us complete and to grow in Christ. What were the prompts given to what we should do with the Word of God? 

1. HEAR the Word 

2. READ the Word 

3. STUDY/EXAMINE the Word 

4. MEMORIZE the Word 

5. MEDITATE the Word


What definition of sin did you learn in BTJ? 

Putting yourself on the throne of your life! 


What are the 4 actions or ways we can respond to the Holy Spirit? Give its definition and a real life example of each. What is the continual process for the Holy Spirit to control your life? 

Responses to the Spirit: 

FILLED - Longing for Christ's life to take control of every part of you 

GRIEVE - If we have bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, or spitefulness and ill will, we grieve the Holy Spirit

QUENCH - Going through forms of worship knowing you are rejecting the authority of the Holy Spirit

RESIST - Refusing to heed His guidance

Continual process for the Spirit to control: 

Come Humbly, Ask Confidently, Receive Thankfully


Jesus said that 3 things will characterize your life when He lives in you and you in Him. What are these 3 things and what scriptures do we understand this from? 

HINT: 2 of the scriptures are memory verses 

1. Love (John 13:34-35)

2. Obedience (Luke 6:46)

3. Fruit (John 15:8)


What are the gates of hell? What does it mean that they should not prevail against "my church"? Give an example.

The gates of hell are people - people turned into hell from Ps 9:17 KJV. The people that are being used as gates of hell will not prevail over the people of God who are building the church! David's enemies pursued him his whole life but did not prevail because the Messiah had to come from him! Saul was a gate of hell on the way to Damascus where Peter was preaching! Jesus intervened because the gate of hell (Saul) could not prevail over Peter (the church)!

BONUS: How are we to respond to the gates of hell? Bring an example. 


Who is the spiritual pattern to the world today? Bring scripture! 

BONUS 5 points: What is the salt? 

WE ARE! we are the salt of the earth! 

Salt: Have the rich indwelling of the Word of God. Walking in wisdom towards the time and outsiders with graciousness upon the lips!


Name the parts of the armor of God and the 3 reasons we spoke in the Armor of God lesson about why we need to put on the armor of God. 

Parts of the armor: Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit 

1. We have an enemy 

2. It's what we fight our enemy with

3. Its how we defeat our enemy 


What are 2 ways soul ties are formed? What 2 things happen in a soul tie? How do we break soul ties? 


1. A devotion to another person which replaces your worship and dependence on God alone 

2. Allowing a closeness or intimacy with another person that belongs to your spouse alone


1. Sin is committed 

2. Spiritual bondage takes place


1. Confession: naming the sin specifically and renouncing it and all pleasure gained from it 

2. Cleansing: bring the sin under the blood of Jesus 

3. Contemplation: asking yourself what motivated that soul tie to be established? Reflection to bring liberation from the stronghold

4. TAKE BACK every part of your own life from the person involved and GIVE BACK every part of the person with whom the soul tie has been made


Name the 4 reasons MasterLife gave for WHY we should have a quiet time and the 3 ways on HOW to have an effective quiet time!


1. To know God through fellowship with Him 

2. To receive direction and guidance for daily decisions 

3. To bring needs before God 

4. To bear spiritual fruit


1. Schedule a regular time for it 

2. Find a place to be alone with God 

3. Follow a procedure 


What are the "keys to the Kingdom"? What are they given for? 

The keys are the keys to the throne, the authority and dominion of the kingdom of God. Given to those whom God is using to build His church! 


In the lesson we received on evangelism, what were the 3 reasons given that motivate one to evangelize? 

1. Wishing that God may be glorified

2. We are designed to build through giving the gospel

3. Compassion - knowing others need life 


How many baptisms are there? What are they? Bring verses to support or NO POINTS (hehe)


1. John's Baptism/Baptism of Repentence: Mark 1:4-5 / Matt 3:11 / Acts 19:4

2. Water Christian Baptism: 1 Peter 3:21 / Romans 6:3-4

3. Baptism of Fire/Holy Spirit: Matt 3:11 / Acts 1:5  --> Acts 2:1-4

4. Baptism of Suffering: Luke 12:50 / Mark 10:38 / Philippians 3:10


What is the pecking order? Describe each one given. What are the 6 wretched attitudes you could have against another which grieves the spirit? 


1. The "People" people: these are persons whom we consider to be "on our level" or above us. We feel comfortable being with them and are willing to confide in them. they are socially, intellectually, and economically in our category. We enjoy being with them. We often make special places for those who are richer than we are, hoping they will part with some of their wealth and make us richer than we are. 

2. The "Machine" people: These are people we do not wish to associate with on a social or personal basis, but we need their services. Being polite to them or even asking questions about their lives is used as a means to make them work harder for us. However, we do not really care about them. If they ever asked for a loan or a favor, we would find many excuses to eliminate them from our list of "machines" who perform tasks for us

3. The "Landscape" people: These are the people who do not fit the first two classes. We do not have any interest in them and would consider it a bother to invest time or concern on them. They are simple a part of the "landscape" as we pass by them on the street or share an elevator ride with them. They are worthless to us. 


Bitterness, Rage, Anger, Brawling, Slander, Malice



Name all of the names of God mentioned in MasterLife on how we can address Him prayer. With each name, give its definition/meaning!

1. El Elyon: God the Most High (Ps 91:1)

2. El Shaddai: God the Almighty (Ps 91:1)

3. Yahweh: God is the Lord/With you at all times (Ps 91:2)

4. Elohim: God the Creator (Gen 1:1/Ps 91:2)

5. Jehovah Jireh: God the Provider 

6. Jehovah Shalom: God of Peace 

7. Jehovah Sabaoth: God of Spiritual Help 

8. Jehovah Rapha: God the Healer 


What is the significance of the gifts (gold, frankincense, myrrh) that the wisemen brought the "newborn king" in Matt 2:11? Explain what each means and why it was brought. 

1. Gold = Wisdom + Honor (2 Tim 2:20-21 worthy vessel) 

2. Frankincense + Myrrh = among the finest spices that are the fragrance of the couch of the King (Song of Sol 4:14/3:6-11) 

BONUS 20 POINTS: explain why the Jews gave Jesus wine mixed with myrrh !! 


During our lesson on receiving a new heart, we learned the Lord will give us His spirit and cause us to walk in His ways. What were the 4 ways this looks like?

1. A life of producing fruit (Gal 5:22-23)

2. Having a changed mindset (Romans 12:1-2) 

3. Living a life of prayer (Matt 26:41)

4. Having freedom from all sin (2 Corinthians 3:17)


Week 3 of BTJ, day 3 taught us, "One tool Satan uses to keep people in bondage is ________". What was this tool BTJ spoke of, what are the effects and what can we do to combat this? 

Satan's tool: RESENTMENT! 

Effects: "Resentment blocks the flow of Gods peace and joy in our lives. It causes bitterness and anger to grow in our hearts." 

How to combat: FORGIVENESS! 


What are the two identities we have been given the author speaks of in the last week of Arrival Kit? How can we ensure our growth to be equipped to minister?

You are a MINISTER and a PRIEST. 

We are ensured to grow when we make a clear commitment to the Lord through a daily routine of reading, understanding, and applying God's word. This is how we ensure personal growth and are prepared to go and live as a minister to others! 


What were the 4 instructions on how we can best redeem our time. Explain in your own words each one. 

1. Ask God's purpose for our time 

2. Ask God's direction for the day 

3. Prioritize what you do before you do it 

4. Do it in priority order, but leave yourself open for God to redirect you 


Why did Jesus teach to pray the Kingdom to come? Explain with quoting scripture. 


To pray the KOG to come is to pray for the will of God to be done. Praying about righteousness, peace and joy (Rom 14:17). Rom 8 talks about how the spirit prays of behalf of us in our weakness - not knowing what we ought to pray. The spirit prays for Jesus to come back. The will of God (Acts 22:14). Praying the KOG to come is praying the perfect will of God - for Christs return. 


According to Isaiah 5:1-7, what are the things the Lord did to show his love to his people? Name and explain what each one means 

1. Dug it out and cleared it of stones: Removed the surrounding nations to plant Israel 

2. Planted the choicest vines: Planting Israel who was His chosen people - whom the noble vine (Jesus) would come forth from

3. Built a watchtower: Set up heads and rulers of the flock (prophets. judges, kings) 

4. Hewed out a winepress: PENDING

BONUS 10 POINTS: What was Gods response to the people rejecting his love effort? What are 2 things you could do if you discovered that all the grapes in your spiritual garden were all turning out small and sickly?