Fox Four Basics
Voice Level
Fox Four Rewards
All Settings
The Fox Four
"In Action"

Name the "Fox Four Expectations"?

Be Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Positive!

What is a "level 3" voice?
What could you earn when you are found to be following a "Fox Four" expectation?
A Fox Paw.
Believing in yourself is one example of being positive in all settings of the school. List two or three more expectations of being positive.
Be helpful, be kind, be a role model, use manners.

Name at least two ways to be safe in the hallway.

Walk, hands/feet/body to self, be aware of yourself and others, follow directions the first time, and be organized with your belongings.


What is one way I can show positivity as a fox four kid?

Saying or waving "hi" to classmates and teachers.  Helping others in need.  Holding doors open.  Smiling!

What is a "level 1" voice?
Name three behaviors that could earn fox paws.
The student can name any three positive behavior expectations from the matrix.
Whole body listening is an example of being respectful in all settings of the school. List two or three more examples of being respectful.
Being respectful in your words and actions, walking feet, hands/feet/body to yourself.

What are three important expectations to follow on the playground?

Can name any three expectations from the matrix.


What are two ways I show responsibility while at school?

I turn in my best work on time.  I am organized for the day.  I work hard during worktime.  I give my best effort.

What is a "level 0" voice?
What happens when the whole school fills up the school-wide celebration chart?
The whole school has a special celebration.
Name some characteristics of being responsible in all settings of the school.
Pick up any litter you find, be organized, be on-task.
How can you be responsible in the cafeteria?
You can be responsible by only taking the food that you know you will eat, voice level 0, cleaning up your area, eating your own food, and keeping track of your belongings.

Why should you follow the "Fox Four" expectations?

We should follow them because if everyone at OES does, the school will stay a safe, respectful, responsible and positive place to be!


Why do we use a level 1 or 0 voice level in the hallway?

We do this to not distract or take away the learning in the rooms we pass by in the hallway.  (Respect)


Why is important to work to earn fox paws?

It is important because when you earn earn a fox paw, them means that you worked to be safe, responsible, respectful and/or positive here at OES!

Eyes on person or task is one example of being safe in all settings of the school. List two or three more examples of being safe.
Hands/feet/body to self, be aware of yourself and others, follow directions the first time.

Why is it important to listen to teachers?

It is important to listen to teachers so that you can follow directions the first time, be safe and be respectful (other answers could be acceptable based on teacher judgement).