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Everyones Favorite-Vocabulary
Reign of Terror

This Cause of the French Revolution resulted in many people starving.

Three years of bad harvests (1787-1789)

What was the largest Estate in France?
What is the 3rd

The Declaration of the Rights of the Man is part of this type of document (which provides the fundamental rules and principles that govern a country)

What is a constitution


This man was the leader of the Reign of Terror

Who is Robespierre


This death occurred about 9 months after King Louis XVI's execution. 

What is the death of Marie Antoinette 


This cause of the Revolution was is place for centuries prior to the revolution. This societal structure was also called "The Old Order" (wherein the King ruled by divine right)

What is the Ancien Regime

What is the Estate that charged tolls and taxes on roads and at markets
What is the Second

The main instrument of execution used during the Reign of Terror

What is guillotine


Before King Louis XVI was executed and France became a republic during the Reign of Terror, this system of government was in place temporarily. 

What is a constitutional monarchy 


During this event, citizens overwhelmed guards and took control of a fortress in Paris.

What is the Storming of the Bastille


During this King's reign, the Palace of Versailles was built. He put France into debt due to his pursuit of his own interests

King Louis XIV (the 14th)

These Estates were asked by the King to pay taxes in order to help pull the country out of debt
What is the 1st and 2nd

This word describes a monarchical society with unlimited power. Today, a society with this structure could be called a dictatorship.

What is absolutism?

A highlight of the Reign of Terror was the execution of this hated royal woman
Who is Marie Antoinette?

When the price of bread was so high that people were starving, this event occurred and drove King Louis and Marie Antionette from their palace to Paris. 

What is the Women's March on Versailles


This Estate was locked out of the Estates-General Meeting and formed the National Assembly. This is where they went, and the type of document they began to create.

What is 3rd / Tennis Court / constitution 

This Estate numbered around 100,000 people
What is 1st

The definition for bourgeoisie

What is the French middle class (doctors, lawyers, factory owners)

The rolling of this man's head signaled the end of the terrifying times
Who is Robespierre

This agreement by National Assembly members followed several days of tension and confrontation at the Estates General.

What is the Tennis Court Oath


3 Causes of the French Revolution

What are: Social inequalities, the Ancien Regime, Debt, Bad Harvests


These were at least 2 responsibilities of the 3rd Estate

What are: paying taxes/tithes, labour, farming


The definition of constitutional monarchy

What is a system of government that is ruled by a king or queen whose power is limited by its country's constitution.

Once the blood had stopped flowing, this 5 man group took control of France
What is The Directory

This spreading panic occurred when peasants heard rumors that nobles were hiring bandits and robbers to attack them. 

What is the Great Fear