People of the French Revolution
Causes of the French Revolution
Documents of the French Revolution
French Society before the Revolution
Other Revolution stuff..

The Austrian-born wife of the king of France during the French Revolution who was known for her extravagant spending. 

Marie Antoinette


This fledgling country helped add to France's debt when France agreed to give military aid and assistance in an attempt to defeat one of France's long time rivals. 

The United States


The name of the agreement/promise the Third Estate made when they were locked out of the Estates General "vowing "not to separate and to reassemble wherever necessary, until the Constitution of the kingdom is established".

The Tennis Court Oath


These were the (three) divisions in French Society before the French Revolution.



This device became known as the "National Razor" especially as the Reign of Terror led to the deaths of tens of thousands of  accused"enemies of the revolution". 



He was known as a weak "absolute monarch" who often listened to the wishes of the Second Estate- he lost his head-literally- during the French Revolution

Louis XIV (14)

Louis XV (15)

Louis XVI (16)

Louis XVI


France had spent a lot of money on this war to try to establish and keep colonies in America. 

The French and Indian War/The Seven Year War.


This revolutionary document gave the French people the power to elect bishops and priests, taking away much of the pre-Revolution powers.

The Tennis Court Oath 

Civil Constitution of the Clergy


Declaration of the Rights of Man.

Civil Constitution of the Clergy


This estate included the nobility who attained their position in French society through birth and who did not have to pay taxes.

The Second Estate


An infamous prison that was attacked by an angry Parisian mob who were tired of the monarch and the estate system and starving! It's storming on July 14, 1789 is still celebrated.

The Bastille


This major leader of the Reign of Terror was a Jacobin and a member of the Committee of Public Safety who sent so many to the guillotine and ended up there himself in July, 1794. 

Maximilien Robespierre


This cause most directly impacted the peasant class as it not only affected their occupation, it also affected their health. 

Poor crops/Famine


This famous revolutionary document stated the philosophy of liberty, equality, and fraternity as rights. 

The Tennis Court Oath 

Civil Constitution of the Clergy


Declaration of the Rights of Man.

Declaration of the Rights of Man


This group paid all of the taxes despite being the poorest of the three. 

The Third Estate


This was an early French political party represented the provinces and members of the bourgeoisie and were considered moderates. Many supported a constitutional monarchy



In 1795, he helped suppress a royalist insurrection against the revolutionary government in Paris and was promoted to major general. His rise to power marks the end of the French Revolution and crowns himself Emperor in 1804. 

Napoleon Bonaparte


This movement or "period/age" had started in Europe as many philosophes started to challenge commonly held beliefs about the monarchy, divine right, the clergy, the nobilty and their own rights. 

The Enlightenment


The political body of the French Revolution that gained virtual dictatorial control over France during the Reign of Terror (September 1793 to July 1794) which made its actual name rather ironic. 

The Committee of Public Safety


Although members of the Third Estate, this group was educated and consisted of doctors, lawyers and wealthy merchants- they were considered the "middle class",

The Bourgeoisie


This was a radical French political party was led by Danton, Marat, and Robespierre that wanted to abolish the monarchy and establish a Republic. They prosecuted and killed many French citizens- the Reign of Terror- who they felt were against the Revolutionary government

The Jacobins