French Revolution
More French Revolution
And Still...French Revolution
Another French revolution
Still the French Revolution

A dictator who was in charge of France at the end of  French Revolution. 

A. Napoleon

B. Robespierre

C. King Louis XVI

A. Napoleon


Who became leader of the radical wing of the revolutionary government known as the Reign of Terror?

A. Napoleon Bonaparte

B. Maximilien Robespierre

C. King Louis XVI

B. Maximilien Robespierre


An attempt to overthrow the current government. 

A. peaceful agreement

B. a protest

C. coup d'etat

C. coup d'etat


What was the rallying cry of the French Revolution? 

A. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

B. Health, Happiness and Freedom

C. Long Live the King

A. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity


What happened to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?

A. they died of old age

B. they died in prison

C. they died by the guillotine

C. they died by the guillotine


Which estate does a noble person belong to?

A. First Estate

B. Second Estate

C. Third Estate

B. Second Estate


Who was most affected by the Napoleonic Codes?

A. Men

B. Women

B. Women


The most significant cause of the French Revolution.

A. Economic Inequality

B. Social Inequality

C. Both Economic and Social Inequality

C. Both Economic and Social Inequality


The radical Jacobin leader during the Reign of Terror.

A. Robespierre

B. Marie Antoinette

C. King Louis XVI

A. Robespierre


Name the 10 year period from 1789-1799.

A. What is the American Revolution?

B. What is World War I?

C. What is the French Revolution?

C. What is the French Revolution?


The Purpose of the Reign of Terror. 

A. to purge France of enemies of the Revolution and protect the country from invaders

B. to help keep the king in power

C. to help invaders overthrow France

A. to purge France of enemies of the Revolution and protect the country from invaders


Which estate did the peasants belong to?

A. First Estate

B. Second Estate

C. Third Estate

C. Third Estate


How many times was Napoleon exiled?

A. 1 time

B. 2 times

C. 3 times

B. 2 times


"Terror is the Order of the Day"-Maxiemilien Robespierre 

What method did he use to instill fear? 

A. the Guillotine

B. a firing squad

C. threat of imprisonment

A. the Guillotine


The French Revolution was marked by political, economic, and social reform. What paved the way for Social reform? 

A. Adopting the Declaration of Rights of Man

B. Continuing with a monarchy

C. Declaring anarchy

A. Adopting the Declaration of Rights of Man


The incident which sparked the Revolution.

A. Napoleon declaring himself Emperor of France

B. the attack on the Bastille

C. The Reign of Terror

B. the attack on the Bastille


How did France change under the National Assembly?

A. France became a Monarchy

B. France became a Republic

C. France became a Dictatorship

B. France became a Republic


What was the Tennis Court Oath?

A. a place where the First Estate met to discuss the issues France was facing

B. a place where the Third Estate gathered on a tennis court to take an oath to force a new constitution on the king

C. a place where the Second Estate met to discuss the issues of France

B. a place where the Third Estate gathered on a tennis court to take an oath to force a new constitution on the king


What was Napoleon's Coup d'Etat?

A. Asking permission to take over the weakened government

B. Suddenly taking over or overthrowing the weakened govenrnment

B. Suddenly taking over or overthrowing the weakened govenrnment


The principles of the American Revolution and the French Revolution are similar in many ways.

What type of government did they both favor?

A. Dictatorship

B. Monarchy

C. Representative Government

C. Representative Government


What is one way that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was similar to the Declaration of Independence?

A. they didn't have any similarities

B. affirmed the function of government was to protect individual rights

C. both protected only the 1st estate

B. affirmed the function of government was to protect individual rights


Leading up to the French Revolution, life was good, food was plenty and everyone paid taxes.

A. True

B. False

B. False


How many estates or classes were there during the time of the French revolution?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

C. 3


Before the revolution, who paid all of the taxes in France?

A. the First Estate

B. the Second Estate

C. the Third Estate

C. the Third Estate


What title did Napoleon give himself?

A. Dictator

B. King

C. Emperor

C. Emperor


What was the Bastille?

A. a prison

B. a hospital

C. a palace

A. a prison


Prior to the French Revolution, the government headed by King Louis XVI was a(n)

A. Constitutional Monarchy

B. Absolute Monarchy

B. Absolute Monarchy


This device was known as the "National Razor"?

A. the Bastille

B. the Guillotine

C. Versailles

B. the Guillotine


What estate would a clergy member belong to?

A. the First Estate

B. the Second Estate

C. the Third Estate

A. the First Estate


What was life like during the French Revolution?

A. Peaceful

B. Serene

C. Chaotic

C. Chaotic