French Revolution 1
French Revolution 2
French Revolution 3
French revolution 4

How was Napoleon gain control of France? 

Coup d'etat: Sudden Overthrow of the Government


Who became leader of the radical wing of the revolutionary government (Reign of Terror)? He was also the leader of the Committtee of Public Safety after Danton with the support of the Jacobins. 

Maximilien Robespierre


An attempt to overthrow the current government. 

 coup d'etat.


Before the French Revolution who carried the heaviest burden? Or paid the most taxes? 

Bourgeoise and Peasants


Who is John Locke, Jean Rousseau, and Montesquieu.

Where all enlightenment thinkers 


Whom should the government protect, according to John Locke?

The citizens/The people


Who was most affected by the Napoleonic Codes?

Women and Children


The most significant cause of the French Revolution.

social and tax inequality.


People were divided into three estates based mainly on their ________ and ______ Class.

Social and Economic


This is the time period in French history that covered the overthrow of the French monarchy, the adoption of three constitutions, and the Reign of Terror. It lasted from 1789-1799.

What is the French Revolution?


The Purpose of the Reign of Terror was to ____________. 

What is to purge/prosecute France of enemies of the Revolution like counterrevolutionaries and traitors and to protect the country from foreign invaders


According to Montesquieu what was necessary to protect the Natural Rights of the people.

Division of power in government


Napoleon was seen as both a hero and a destroyer of the French Revolution. Why was he seen as the destroyer of the revolution?

He crowned himself King when the people wanted a republic.


What do King Louis and Maxiemilien Robespierre have in common?

They both died via guillotine (Off with their heads!)


One of the first acts of the National Assembly was to adopt this body of work. It would provide citizens Freedom, equal rights, Freedom of Speech and Press. What is the name of the document?

What is the Declaration or Rights of Man


Named after the place where the 3rd Estate met to write a new Constitution. 

What is the Tennis Court Oath.


Angry that Napoleon had taken over their country, countries rose up and fought back with a sense of __________ and pride in their country. 



According to John Locke all people had natural rights, which were called...._________, ______, ________

Life, Liberty, and Property

How were people promoted under Napoleon's rule? 

Ability/Talent rather than rank or birth


Why did the Members of the National Assembly storm the Bastille? 

1. Get weapons to fight the King soldiers that might have tried to stop them from starting the revolution


What is one way that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was similar to the Declaration of Independence?

affirmed the function of government was to protect individual rights


What 2 events caused the war to become more radical and violent?

Killing King Louis and Going to war with Prussia


What was the purpose of drafting a new constitution in France in the tennis court?

What is to limit the power of the monarchy.


What country threatened French Revolutionaries when King Luis was executed

The outside threat was the invasion of 80,000 Prussia.


Napolean's 3 Big Mistakes

1. Constant War 

2. He Crowned himself

3. Losing money over constant war


The principles of the American Revolution and the French Revolution are similar in many ways.

What type of government did they both favor?

representative government one where they can participate, vote, and influence the government


What/Who inspired the French to start a Revolution? 

The Enlightenment and the American Revolution


What is Principle of Legitimacy? 

The idea that only royals should be kings and queens.


Russia refused to fight with Napoleon and let the Russian winter take them down. What else did they do to ensure they wouldn't be able to find food?

Scorched Earth Policy


According to John Locke, if the government fails to protect its citizens what do they have the right to do?

Overthrow the government