Kings and Queens
Riots and Fights
Off with his Head
Law and Order
Causing Revolution

The last king of France (during the Revolution).

Who is King Louis the 16th?


In the fall of 2005, fighting erupted in some Paris suburbs and continued for 20 nights. They focused attention on the struggle of some young people — many of them French citizens born into families who had immigrated from former French colonies — to be included in French society.

What are the Paris riots?


An invention which was said to be a more humane way of carrying out capital punishment.

What was the guillotine?


The king had a government body that was made up of representatives from each of the 3 Estates. Each Estate would be able to give their grievances and vote on proposed changes to taxes and laws.

What is the Estates General?


Enlightenment / Growing Middle Class / Class System

What are social factors leading up to the revolution?


King Louis the Sixteenth's wife.

Who is Marie Antoinette?


A prison in Paris where the King would lock away those that spoke out against him. It was a symbol of Tyranny to the people of France.  July 14th, fearing that the King was gathering troops around 600 angry Parisians attacked, and seized control.

What is the Storming of the Bastille?


December 1792, he is put on trial for betrayal (treason), sabotage, and failure of leadership after trying to escape France with his family.

Who is King Louis the Sixteenth?


The 3rd estate paid most of these that were collected and used by the state.  

What are taxes?


Nation was bankrupt / Taxes / Lavish Lifestyle

What are the economic factors leading up to the revolution?


The palace where the King and Queen lived.

What is the Palace of Versailles?


This day is celebrated every July 14th in France (it’s like their Canada Day).

What is Bastille Day?


October 3,1793, shortly after her husband was executed, she also lost her head.

Who is Marie Antoinette?


France is broke and the King calls together this group to consult on the idea of placing a land tax on the 2nd Estate. They obviously reject the idea - who would place a tax on themselves if they had a choice?  This group was made of high-ranking nobles, clergy and state officials gathered by the King of France on rare occasions to consult on matters of state.

What is the Assembly of Notables?


Severe weather / Famine

What are geographic factors leading up to the revolution?


King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette did not help the economic problems of the nation. They kept up an extravagant lifestyle at the Palace of Versailles.  France was ____________.

What is broke?


Thousands of Parisians, many of them women, walked 19 km to the palace.  This was promoted by rumours of lavish banquets going on at the palace, while the people of Paris starved. 

What is the March on Versailles?


This rounding up and mass execution of suspected enemies lasted until July 23rd,1794.  In all, over 300,000 people were arrested. 17,000 were beheaded. Another 10,000 died in prison awaiting trial.

What is the Reign of Terror?


National Assembly approves the creation of a document that states that “men are born and remain free and equal in rights.” This document outlined the basic rights granted to all people of France.  It is the equivalent to our charter of Rights and Freedoms and guaranteed basic freedoms.

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man?


Monarchy / Representation / political changes elsewhere

What are the political factors leading up to the revolution?


King Louis the XVI operated under the idea that he was chosen by God to rule the people.

What is Divine Right?


The Committee of Public Safety became controlled by Robespierre and supported by the extreme Jacobin political party. The public Safety committee rounded up anyone that was thought to be a supporter of the monarchy or suspected of being enemies of the revolution (nobles, priests, hoarders of goods).

What is the Reign of Terror?


The leader that began "the Reign of Terror" ended up having his head cut off on July 28th of 1794 - to end the Reign of Terror.

Who is Robespierre?


In 1799, this guy would get rid of the directory (formerly the National Convention, formerly the National Constituent Assembly, formerly the National Assembly) and declare himself First Consul.  He was the new leader of France after the last King.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


A single factor cannot be considered the cause of the revolution.  These factors all worked together to unite a people and turn loyalty away from a King/Noble/Church. The people as a nation wanted _______________________ for all people of France regardless of Class.

What is liberty, equality and fraternity?