What caused the French Revolution, There are multiple answers
What is Social inequality/ Taxes/ Debt/ Lack of Food
Name all 3 estates and the percentage of the French population in each estate.
1st - Clergy 1%
2nd - Nobles 2-3%
3rd - Everyone Else 97%
What happened at the storming of the Bastille?
Paris citizens and soldiers stormed a castle prison and took weapons.
What was the purpose of the Committee of public safety
What is protect the French from all enemies foreign and domestic
Napoleon declared himself a _______________________
What is Emperor
This king built Versailles and lost every war he fought setting up France to be in major debt and eventually the French Revolution
Louis XIV
Who is in this image? What does it tell us about them?
Who marched on Versailles to take the King from his home and relocate him to Paris?
What were some of the reforms that Napoleon made in France that have lasted to this day?
DAILY DOUBLE: what was the title of these reforms?
Yes/ Napoleonic Code
What happened at the Tennis Court Oath?
Which estates did not pay taxes?
What is the 1st and 2nd
How many people were executed during the Reign of Terror?
Daily Double: How many died in prison?
17,000 & 10,000 to 15,000
What was Napoleons biggest mistake?
DAILY DOUBLE: How many men did he lose
What is Russia
This Estate walked out of the Estates-General Meeting and formed the National Assembly. What document did they issue and what type of government did they declare France to be?
What is 3rd/ constitution/constiutional monarcy
What does this image depict? Who are all the people in this image?
3rd estate as a slave and starved carrying everyone else.
In August 1792 the French people and soldiers stormed the home of the French King and arrested him. What is this event called?
Storming of the Tuileries
Head of the Committee of Public Safety and the rolling of this man's head signaled the end of the terrifying times
Who is Robespierre
What was the meeting called that came together to piece Europe back together after Napoleon and created peace for 100 years.
What is Congress of Vienna/monarchy
What is the OLD REGIME?
Old system of government, King in charge, Nobles, Clergy, Peasants and you cannot move up.
What was the purpose of the Estates General
Advise the king and vote on policies the king put before them.
The definition of constitutional monarchy
Constitution, Government, Limited power of the King
Once the blood had stopped flowing, this system of government took control of France
What is The Directory
What was the name of the two islands that Napoleon was forced to exile to.
How did he escape the first one?
Elba & St. Helena
Sailed to France with 1000 men